
- I wasnt accusing you of overcompensating; I just said its a really big pig Reese Witherspoon is a Valentines Day treat you wont soon forget. All of her romantic comedies are great, but This Means War wins for mixing spy-vs-spy action into th...详情>>

- My Brad Pitt sprung a leak againhe looks like a pirate Its not just that Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie are beautiful people; the location shots in Paris and Venice are simply stunning. This cat-and-mouse tale has enough thrills going for it...详情>>

- Why do you always make me put on this mask when we make love? Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) always has problemsthe media hates him, the police hate him, other superheroes hate him, and hes constantly struggling with his love life because of...详情>>

- Im no longer a slumdogIm a lowly intern at a NY news station A testament to just how far guys are forced to go to win over a woman,Slumdog Millionaire portrays a poor man being tortured by the police for being too good at Who Wants to Be a M...详情>>

- I dont remember telling you Id give you head daily, but what do I know? Youd be hard pressed to come up with a more likeable couple of people than Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. In 50 First Dates, theyre in Hawaii, and after they meet, Hen...详情>>

- I have a feeling this broad is high maintenance Although Forgetting Sarah Marshall is Kristen Bells most popular role, 2010s When in Rome is an underrated film. She plays Beth, an ambitious New Yorker who steals some coins from a famous love...详情>>

- You have a receding hairline, but youre rich and famous, so Ill let it slide Although its one of those bleak comedies, Lost in Translation has a great romance at its heart. Bob Harris (Bill Murray) and Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) really c...详情>>

- Goldie Hawn is now an old woman, yet those lights are still up at Applebeeslifes a bitch Kate Hudsons mom, Goldie Hawn, won an Oscar for her portrayal of Toni Simmons, a confused 21-year old woman in a relationship with an older man (Walter...详情>>

- Nobody watches the WNBA because they look like men, but play like women While many romance movies are difficult for men to watch, Love Basketball goes a long way into drawing men into this chick flick genre by incorporating an underlying spo...详情>>

- 1. If you would like to know more about my ability, I can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you. 倘若阁下愿意接见本人以了解我的能力,我将随时侯教。 2. If you desire an interview, I shall be most...详情>>

- Many years later as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buenda was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice。 多年以后,奥雷连诺上校站在行刑队面前,准会想起父亲带他去参观...详情>>

- 尘土dirt[英][dɜ:t] [美][dɚt] 中英文故事:哈维的圣诞节(7) 他磨快了斧头,用麻袋套住火鸡鸡身,随后把毛茸茸的鸡脖按在树桩上。咔!斧子剁下,一次、两次、三次。家禽棚里一片尖...详情>>

- 胡椒pepper[英][pepə(r)] [美][ˈpɛpɚ] 中英文故事:哈维的圣诞节(6) 哈维站起身,把那只肥火鸡赶进畜棚。他脑子里浮现出这样一种景象:棚里的铁钩上倒挂着肥厚鲜嫩的鸡胸、嫩白的鸡翅...详情>>

- 亲爱的dear[英][dɪə(r)] [美][dɪr] 中英文故事:哈维的圣诞节(5) 他听到一阵拖沓的脚步声,门突然被推开,惊得苍蝇乱飞,随后又重新挤堆,停在电线上。一个矮小红面的女人,用她肉...详情>>

- 圣诞节Christmas[英][ˈkrisməs] [美][ˈkrɪsməs] 中英文故事:哈维的圣诞节(4) 哈维嘴上叼着根烟,烟灰差点儿把白衬衣烫个洞。灰白的卷发散披在膀臂和胸前,就像一堆乱蓬蓬的地毯,搞...详情>>

- 狗dog[英][dɒɡ] [美][dɔɡ, dɑɡ] 中英文故事:哈维的圣诞节(3) 狗儿起身,舒展一下压酸的后腿又趴下了,暗想着哈维眼睛放光的次数。 就在这时,多丽丝从窗口处伸出头来大吼:哈维...详情>>

- 火鸡turkey[英][tɜ:kɪ] [美][tɜ:rkɪ] 中英文故事:哈维的圣诞节(2) 他看到一只肥硕的火鸡在院内刨地寻食,每走一步都扬起灰尘,几乎看不到鸡爪在地面留下的痕迹。在仅留的那一小片...详情>>

- 袋鼠kangaroo[英][ˌkŋɡəru:] [美][ˌkŋɡəˈru] 中英文故事:哈维的圣诞节(1) 哈维在阳台背阴处,疲惫地躺倒在长椅上拉开啤酒罐的拉环。他瞟了一眼天空中慢慢聚集的缕缕云彩,拍了一...详情>>

- 表现performance[英][pəfɔ:məns] [美][ pɚˈfɔrməns] 中英文故事:训练大脑身体好(4) 另外,科学家发现冥思得越多,人的日常表现就越出色。 我们发现,长期进行冥思者的大脑达到了前所...详情>>

- 训练training[英][ˈtreɪnɪŋ] [美][ˈtrenɪŋ] 中英文故事:训练大脑身体好(3) 作为参照组,另外16个人在整个实验过程中不接受冥思训练。 这一为期8个月的实验结束时正是11月份,所有的...详情>>

- 大脑brain[英][breɪn] [美][bren] 中英文故事:训练大脑身体好(2) 唯有你的大脑才能让你保持健康、快乐。 威斯康星大学的神经学家理查德戴维森和马萨诸塞大学医学院的约翰卡波特兹...详情>>

- 科学家scientist[英][ˈsaɪəntɪst] [美][ˈsaɪəntɪst] 中英文故事:训练大脑身体好(1) 心情不好的时候,你会做什么呢?出去吃一顿?去看场电影?或许去看戏剧?去购物? 也许会借酒消愁...详情>>

- 满意satisfied[英][ˈstɪsfaɪd] [美][ˈstɪsˌfaɪd] 中英文故事:永别了,艾琳(7) 第二天,贝蒂买完东西正要进车,这时她看到一位老妇人正在喂鸽子。那一刻,贝蒂知道她一直在思考的问题...详情>>

- 夫人lady[英][leɪdɪ] [美][ˈledi] 中英文故事:永别了,艾琳(6) 那天晚上,贝蒂一边张罗着睡觉,一边想肯定得过上一段时间自己才能再次适应独自生活了,她甚至怀疑自己是否还会做饭...详情>>

- 回忆memories[英][memərɪz] [美][memərɪz] 中英文故事:永别了,艾琳(5) 从茶室出来走了不远,贝蒂挥挥手,向仍带着一脸茫然开车离去的瑞切尔告别。女儿刚刚把那辆年代已久的迷你库柏...详情>>

- 计划plan[英][pln] [美][pln] 中英文故事:永别了,艾琳(4) 计划?你在计划?瑞切尔低呼一声,继而,她惊得说不下去了。 当然啦,免得你到时候太麻烦。贝蒂微微一笑,朝门口的几个人...详情>>

- 茶室tearoom[英][ti:ru:m] [美][ˈtiˌrum, -ˌrʊm] 中英文故事:永别了,艾琳(3) 瑞切尔摇了摇头,抬手指了指茶室,说:进行得不错,我是说庆典。把葬礼当成庆典来办,这听起来真奇怪。但...详情>>

- 别担心never mind[英][ˈnevə maind] [美][ˈnɛvɚ maɪnd] 中英文故事:永别了,艾琳(2) 妈妈,你没事吧? 啊? 贝蒂猛然睁开眼睛,目光落在女儿焦急,也许是有点不耐烦的脸上,随后那目光...详情>>

- 艾琳 Irene 中英文故事:永别了,艾琳(1) 贝蒂的思绪一片混乱,她甚至无暇悲伤。当时她觉得艾琳会比她长寿,所以漫不经心地答应了她的要求。连像样的许诺都没有,只是说我会看...详情>>

- 伙计mate[英][meɪt] [美][met] 中英文故事:勇敢面对(7) 一辆大卡车的隆隆声从远处传来,车灯已经打开。他尽量伸长胳膊,拇指向上,另一只手两指交叉以求好运。听到刹车声,他的心...详情>>
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