I don’t remember telling you I’d give you head daily, but what do I know? You’d be hard pressed to come up with a more likeable couple of people than Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. In 50 First Dates, they’re in Hawaii, and after they meet, Henry Roth (Sandler) turns from a playboy to a devoted boyfriend—the only problem is the girl of his dreams has no short-term memory, so she relives the same day over and over. This movie brings laughs, but it’s also a sappy romance movie as only Sandler can do. It’s a chick flick anyone can enjoy. Best Quote: Dr. Keats (Dan Akroyd) “Sometimes I wish my wife had Goldfield Syndrome. That way she wouldn’t remember last night when I called her mother a loud, obnoxious drunk with a face like J. Edgar Hoover’s ass.” 我不记得我有没有告诉过你我每天都让你很头大,可我又能知道些什么呢? 很难再想出一对比亚当•桑德勒和德鲁•巴里摩尔这对更有爱的情侣了。在《初恋50次》中,这对情侣相遇在夏威夷,他们相遇后,亨利•罗斯(桑德勒饰)从一个花花公子变成一个一心一意的专情男朋友,但唯一的问题是,因为他的梦中情人只有短暂的记忆,所以她每天都在过着重复的生活。这部电影会给观众带来欢笑,但能将一部伤感的电影演绎成这样的也只有桑德勒了。这是一部迎合大众口味的浪漫爱情喜剧电影。 经典对白: 基茨医生:“有时候我真希望我妻子患上金氏综合症,这样她就不会记得昨天晚上我说她妈长着一张寒碜得让人不忍直视的脸。” |