胡椒pepper[英]['pepə(r)] [美][ˈpɛpɚ] 中英文故事:哈维的圣诞节(6) 哈维站起身,把那只肥火鸡赶进畜棚。他脑子里浮现出这样一种景象:棚里的铁钩上倒挂着肥厚鲜嫩的鸡胸、嫩白的鸡翅。肥胸脯朝上放在烤盘上,撒上一些盐和胡椒,再刷上一层油,鸡翘里插进一个温度计……他扒开挡道的胡椒树枝,猛地拉开门。在那儿,锈迹斑斑的钩子上挂着一把旧斧子,这把斧子一年只用一次,还是去年圣诞节放在那儿的。 哈维蹑手蹑脚地把火鸡逼到墙根儿,缓缓张开双臂,先抓住一只毛渣渣的鸡腿,然后又抓住另一只。接着,他拨开蜘蛛网,抓起斧子,拎起麻袋和拔鸡毛的镊子。 Straightening his knees, Harvey herded the plump bird toward the shed. An image filled Harvey's head: the rich mahogany chest, white wings hung upside-down from a hook in the shed and then breast-side-up in the baking pan,sprin¬kled with salt and pepper and brushed with oil,a thermometer inserted into its rear end... He pushed aside the branches of the sprawling pep¬per tree and yanked open the door. There it was—the once-a-year axe hanging from a rusty hook where he'd left it last Christmas. First one hairy leg and then another crept over He brushed the spider aside and grabbed the axe, a hessian bag and the pliers to pluck the feathers. 中英文例句 1. One sold cigars, one sold pepper spray, and one sold lingerie. 其中一家出售香烟,一家出售胡椒喷雾,还有一家出售女式贴身内衣。 2. Windows and office go together like salt and pepper. windows和office就像盐和胡椒一样密不可分。 3. This man is putting pepper up his nose. 一名男子正在把辣椒放进鼻子里。 4. Pat chicken parts dry. Season pieces with salt and pepper. 将鸡肉轻轻拍干,拌上盐和胡椒粉。 5. Then, a layer of eggplant and sweet pepper follows. 接下来,再放一层茄子块和灯笼椒块。 |