Once upon a time, there lived two brothers near a big forest .The elder brother was greedy while the younger brother was honest. They lived on cutting wood.
One day, the younger brother went to cut wood at the side of a river. His axe fell into the river carelessly. He was too poor to buy a new axe , so he cried. 一天,弟弟去河边砍柴,他不小心把斧头掉进河里。他太穷了,买不起新的斧头,所以他哭了。一个仙女过来问他问什么哭,弟弟告诉了他真相。 The fairy jumped into the river and came up with a gold axe , But the man said it was still not his 仙女跳进河里,带上来一把金斧头,但是弟弟说这不是他的。 Then the fairy jumped into the river again and came up with a silver axe. The man said it was still not his. 仙女又跳进河里,带上来一把银斧头,弟弟说这也不是他的。 The third time the fairy jumped into the river and came with an iron axe. The man said that it was his .The fairy praised him. 仙女第三次跳进河里,带上来一把铁斧头,弟弟说这是他的。仙女称赞了他。 After the younger brother went back to his home , he told his brother the thing. The elder brother was very angry, and he scolded the younger brother for his foolishness . 弟弟回到家,将这件事告诉了他的哥哥。哥哥很生气,他责怪弟弟太傻了。
So the elder brother also went to cut wood at the side of the river. He threw his axe into the river and pretended to cry. 于是,哥哥也去河边砍柴。他把斧头扔进河里,并装着哭起来。仙女来了,问他为什么哭,哥哥告诉她斧头掉进河里了。
The fairy jumped into the river and came up with a gold axe. The man said it was his. The fairy became angry and threw the gold axe into the river. 仙女跳进河里,带上来一把金斧头,哥哥说这是他的,仙女很生气,将金斧头扔进河里,哥哥一头扎进河里去捞。但是水太深了,他不会游泳,淹死了。 |