
- 希望hope[英][həʊp] [美][hop] 中英文对照:韩国家长希望破灭(2) 一位在遇难渡船的高中二年级学生父亲刘京根会议后说道,人们很快就失去了希望。昨天为止,还没有人能够谈论把轮船...详情>>

- 等待wait[英][weɪt] [美][wet] 中英文对照:韩国家长希望破灭(1) 4月20日下午,二十位韩国失踪高中生的家长聚集在一起,一位家长告诉其他家长说,事实上,我们得承认我们的孩子活着...详情>>

- Everyone knows that once spring is in the air, we can welcome back our white wardrobes. Fashion experts have assured us that we are not breaking the law if we slip into those white jeans today! 夏天已经临近,我们可以重新穿上白色...详情>>

- 花椰菜cauliflower[英][ˈkɒliflaʊə(r)] [美][ˈkɔlɪˌflaʊɚ, ˈkɑlɪ-] This veggie has been deemed one of the hottest trends of the year. Along with the other members of the cruciferous family, like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage a...详情>>

- 蘑菇mushrooms[英][mʌʃrʊmz] [美][mʌʃrʊmz] Get ready for this list: Mushrooms are low in calories, fat-free, cholesterol-free, gluten-free, with barely any sodium, and yet they carry a wealth of selenium, potassium, riboflavin, niaci...详情>>

- 大蒜garlic[英][ɡɑ:lɪk] [美][ˈɡɑrlɪk] In my house, all I have to do is saut garlic to draw hubby and the kids to my kitchen! Aside from tasting great, garlic has been touted as being able to help hair grow, cause acne to disappear...详情>>

- 洋葱onion[英][ʌnjən] [美][ˈʌnjən] Chef Julia Child said, I cannot imagine a world without onions, and for good reason. The anti-inflammatory chemical in onions, called quercetin, can help ease discomfort from arthritis, and querceti...详情>>

- 土豆potatoes[英][pəteɪtəʊz] [美][pəteɪtoʊz] Nearly all Americans fail to meet dietary recommendations for potassium (97 percent) or dietary fiber (95 percent). On an equal weight basis, the white potato provides as much fiber as a...详情>>

- 天堂heaven[英][hevn] [美][ˈhɛvən] 中英文故事:瓦格纳的圣诞诺言(3) 当我从晨光里醒来, 柯西玛后来回忆说,一个梦又一个梦从我脑子里掠过。忽然,熟悉的《齐格费里德》乐曲传入耳...详情>>

- 平安夜Christmas Eve[英][ˈkrisməs i:v] [美][ˈkrɪsməs iv] 中英文故事:瓦格纳的圣诞诺言(2) 平安夜,在杜拉奇酒店的最后一次排练时,瓦格纳把哲学家弗里德里希尼采请了过来,随后他们一...详情>>

- 礼物gift[英][ɡɪft] [美][ɡɪft] 中英文故事:瓦格纳的圣诞诺言(1) 1870年圣诞夜,理查德瓦格纳和他的妻子柯西玛说好了不互送礼物他们实在是太穷了。但瓦格纳还是谋划着一个意外的礼...详情>>

- 秀发hair[英][heə(r)] [美][hɛr] 双语:六大部位暴露你的年龄(6) 没有什么好办法能够对付肘部皮肤干燥问题真是遗憾。使用润肤霜,精华霜,或者干脆穿长袖吧。不过可以释怀的是你不...详情>>

- 脖子neck[英][nek] [美][nɛk] 双语:六大部位暴露你的年龄(5) 饱受火鸡脖(a turkey neck,由于颈部皮肤松弛下垂而形成的索条状皱纹,因类似于火鸡的脖子而得名)困扰的可不止诺拉伊弗...详情>>

- 眼睑eyelids[英][aɪlɪds] [美][aɪlɪds] 双语:六大部位暴露你的年龄(4) 年龄的增长使得眼睑周围的肌肤变得松弛,失去弹性。过多的脂肪堆积在眼睑部位便形成了影响美观的眼袋。脸谱网...详情>>

- 肌肤skin[英][skɪn] [美][skɪn] 双语:六大部位暴露你的年龄(3) 同样是斑,长在小朋友脸上似乎很萌,要是长在大人脸上,就不那么美观了。别担心,我来给你支招,帮助你淡化色斑,亮...详情>>

- 手hand[英][hnd] [美][hnd] 双语:六大部位暴露你的年龄(2) 我们的双手由于长期暴露在外,因而比其他任何部位都更容易泄漏实际年龄。专家表示,光损害(sun damage)才是罪魁祸首。因此...详情>>

- 脸谱网facebook[英][feɪsbʊk] [美][feɪsbʊk] 双语:六大部位暴露你的年龄(1) 我们都渴望从中找到一个平衡点一方面能够优雅地老去,另一方面又希望自己看上去比实际年龄小。随着年岁的...详情>>

- 慰问卡greeting card[英][ˈɡri:tiŋ kɑ:d] [美][ˈɡritɪŋ kɑrd] 双语:美国夫妇结婚70载 15小时相继离世(3) 在成为纳什波特邮局的邮递员之前,肯尼思一直有轨电车的巡视员和机修工。他也是...详情>>

- 邮件email[英][i:meɪl] [美][i:meɪl] 双语:美国夫妇结婚70载 15小时相继离世(2) 根据琳达科迪的介绍,在海伦去世12个小时后,肯尼思看着他的孩子们说,妈妈走了。随着开始快速衰颓,在...详情>>

- 相继apart[英][əˈpɑ:t] [美][əˈpɑrt] 双语:美国夫妇结婚70载 15小时相继离世(1) 据美联社报道,有一对在结婚70年后仍然每天早餐时手拉手的老夫妇,在15小时内相继去世。92岁高龄的海...详情>>

- What time is it? I need to get back to my husband soon Love Actually follows the intertwining stories of eight British couples dealing with love in very different ways. Its a romantic comedy and a Christmas film, but it is in no way sappy. I...详情>>

- I would do anything for this womananythingliterally anything This Bollywood take on the classic Pride and Prejudice is a musical delight. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is one of the most beautiful women to ever exist, and her acting, singing, and d...详情>>

- Spoiler Alert: The ship sinks, and it takes like half the movie. Before it happens though, Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) steals Rose (Kate Winslett) from her rich husband-to-be. If you watch the film closely, youll notice Rose withholds the blue...详情>>

- We cant go out like this, babeI dont want to end up on the People of Walmart website Quentin Tarantino isnt known for the romance in his films, but True Romance, which he wrote, is an epic romantic crime drama. There are drugs, hookers, and...详情>>

- Why am I the only grown man with a young boy on a list of romantic films You wouldnt think watching a man hang out with an unrelated boy would be weird. Knowing that man is Hugh Grant, who chose a ragged hooker over his knockout wife Elizabe...详情>>

- How the hell did you make such a mess making cereal?!?! Ahh the classics. One of the best movies from the 80s, Seems Like Old Times is a Neil Simon film that still maintains its charm. Chevy Chase and Goldie Hawn are a divorced couple, and,...详情>>

- This is awkward, but ummI kinda preferred the you that didnt look like Oprah Its hard to believe its been over a decade since Shrek came out. This backwards fairy tale where the ogre gets the girl proves what it is women really wantanything...详情>>

- All Im saying is if you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it The cynical among us love Ricky Gervais, and his role as a man who can see dead people and is now doomed to help them with their love problems is a great Valentines Day roman...详情>>

- Im a little bit countryshes a little bit rock and roll This portrayal of Johnny and June Cash is an epic biopic. Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon beautifully capture the essence of the romance. Johnny loved June Carter so much, he knew...详情>>

- Haha, no seriously, keep calling me quirky, and Ill throw you off this roof Zooey Deschanel is that quirky girl everyone wants to be or be with. Basically the boy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) meets a girl (Deschanel), and falls in love, but shes n...详情>>
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