Goldie Hawn is now an old woman, yet those lights are still up at Applebees…life’s a bitch… Kate Hudson’s mom, Goldie Hawn, won an Oscar for her portrayal of Toni Simmons, a confused 21-year old woman in a relationship with an older man (Walter Matthau). Although it looks like an Austin Powers film, Hawn’s wit and charm allows you to still get into it. The intertwining love story about the various lies a dentist tells to keep a relationship was remade in 2011 by Adam Sandler in Just Go With It. So if you hate old movies, read about Cactus Flower and compare it to that one throughout so you look smart about pop culture. Best Quote: Igor Sullivan (Rick Lenz) “You were going about it all wrong. I believe you’re supposed to put your head in the stove.” Toni "It’s a second hand stove. There were no directions." 戈尔迪•霍恩老了,但在闪光灯下,那张如苹果般甜美的脸蛋依然光彩照人。……生活就是个矫情的贱人…… 戈尔迪•霍恩,凯特•哈德森的母亲,因生动扮演了一个与中年牙医(沃尔特•马修饰)交往的21岁的迷糊女郎而获得了奥斯卡最佳女配角。虽然这是一部“王牌大贱谍式”的喜剧电影,但霍恩的机智和魅力仍让你深陷其中。这个由种种谎言和误会堆砌而成的错综复杂的爱情故事,讲述了一个中年王老五牙医为了维持关系,如何去欺骗他的年轻女友。在2011年,这个爱情故事被亚当•桑德勒改编后,再度被搬上银幕,电影名为《随波逐流》。如果你不喜欢老电影,你可以去阅读与《仙人掌花》相关的书籍资料,并将这部改编过的影片与原来的故事相比较,这样你会更加了解流行文化。 经典对白: 伊格尔•沙利文(里克•伦兹饰):“你所了解到的都是错的,我觉得你应该把你的头放在炉子上。” 托尼:“这是个二手炉子,没有使用说明。” |