相继apart[英][əˈpɑ:t] [美][əˈpɑrt] 双语:美国夫妇结婚70载 15小时相继离世(1) 据美联社报道,有一对在结婚70年后仍然每天早餐时手拉手的老夫妇,在15小时内相继去世。92岁高龄的海伦•费伦李于4月12日逝世,其91岁的丈夫肯尼斯•费伦李也于第二日早上去世。 这对夫妇的8个孩子说,夫妻二人自少年时期就没有分开过,曾经在渡轮上的双层床的底部一起度过了数个晚上。 女儿琳达•科迪说,“他们一直非常恩爱,甚至每天早餐时还拉着手。我们知道一旦一方去世,另一方会随之而去的”。 A couple who held hands at breakfast every morning even after 70 years of marriage have died 15 hours apart. Helen Felumlee, of Nashport, died at 92 on April 12. Her husband, 91-year-old Kenneth Felumlee, died the next morning. The couple's eight children say the two had been inseparable since meeting as teenagers, once sharing the bottom of a bunk bed on a ferry rather than sleeping one night apart. They remained deeply in love until the very end, even eating breakfast together while holding hands, said their daughter, Linda Cody. "We knew when one went, the other was going to go," she said. 中英文例句 1. The two coastal cities are nearly 500 kilometers apart across the gulf of sirte. 这两个海滨城市之间隔着苏尔特海湾,两城相距将近500公里。 2. Cisco will now be able to supply equipment for handling everything apart from radio signals to the cellular companies. 思科如今将可供应移动运营商所需的全部设备,只有向这些运营商发送无线电信号的手机和其它装置除外。 3. The beliefs of its two main political parties are often hard to tell apart. 这两个主要党派的宗旨经常让人难以分辨。 4. Spouses can live thousands of miles apart, but the strain is not just on conjugal ties. 配偶双方的居住地可能相距千里,但不仅仅是婚姻的纽带在承受压力。 5. Going back and forth between two homes can be tough, especially if parents live far apart. 在两个家之间搬来搬去很不容易,特别是当父母的住处相距遥远时。 |