Spoiler Alert: The ship sinks, and it takes like half the movie. Before it happens though, Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) steals Rose (Kate Winslett) from her rich husband-to-be. If you watch the film closely, you’ll notice Rose withholds the blue gem from the man looking for it (holding up an expensive expedition) so she can tell him the story of the man she left for a man she promised she’d never let go of (before disposing of his body in the waters, never to be found or identified), before throwing the damn gem into the ocean. What a bitch. Best Quote: Jack “I’m the king of the world!!” 冰山警告:船沉的镜头占了这部电影的一半时间。虽然在这发生前,杰克(莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥)俘获了罗斯的芳心,将她从她的未婚夫那里抢了过来。如果你看电影仔细的话,你会注意到罗斯一直不肯将那颗“海洋之心”交给那个一直想要得到它的人(这颗宝石足以支付一次远航),在她将那颗宝石丢到海里之前,她还能告诉这个人她离开了一个她发誓绝对不会放手的男人的故事(在杰克的尸体还没被海水腐蚀,还没找到,杰克还没被确认死亡之前),好一个贱人! 经典对白: 杰克:“我是世界之王!” |