Why am I the only grown man with a young boy on a list of romantic films… You wouldn’t think watching a man hang out with an unrelated boy would be weird. Knowing that man is Hugh Grant, who chose a ragged hooker over his knockout wife Elizabeth Hurley makes it a little more awkward on paper, but on film, it plays beautifully. This is a buddy flick and a romance rolled into one, and it teaches men that parenting isn’t scary. If you’re a slacker who still hasn’t grown up, About a Boy is for you. Best Quote: Will “The thing is, a person’s life is like a TV show. I was the star of The Will Show. And The Will Show wasn’t an ensemble drama. Guests came and went, but I was the regular. It came down to me and me alone. If Marcus’ mum couldn’t manage her own show, if her ratings were falling, it was sad, but that was her problem. Ultimately, the whole single mum plotline was a bit complicated for me.” 为什么在这个情人节经典电影的推荐列表里,我是唯一一个带着个小男孩的成年男人…… 当你看到一个男人带着一个他毫无血缘关系的男孩出去玩时,你不会觉得这很奇怪。 休格•兰特选择一个衣衫褴褛的迷人妓女伊丽莎白•赫尔利做他的妻子,这听起来很难堪,但在电影里,却是个美丽的故事。 这是一部友情电影和爱情电影合二为一的电影,它教导人们,其实抚育孩子并不是一件可怕的事。如果你是一个还没长大的懒鬼,那么《单亲插班生》很适合你观看。 经典对白: 威尔:“人生如戏,我就是我这部戏的主角。而这场戏并不是一场全员参与的戏,人们来了又去,只有我一直站在台上,这让我感到低落寂寞。如果麦克斯的妈妈不能演好自己的这场戏,这场戏的收视率就会下降。这虽然很让人难过,但这是她自己的问题。 最后,这场单亲妈妈戏的情节主线对我来说有点复杂。” |