
- 告诉我 , 他 向当地 农民说 , 顺着这条小路,可以到达大 路上去吗 ? 不 , 先生, 农夫回答道 , 你必须得 自己去 ! Tell me, said the hiker to the local farmer, will this pathway take me to the m...详情>>

- 一个农夫 和他的女朋友 出去 在 田野 散步,看 到了 一头母牛和 小牛在互相摩擦 鼻子 。 孩子 , 农夫说 , 这确实 使我想 做同样的事情。 好吧, 去吧 , 他的 女朋友说, 这是你的...详情>>

- 彼得 离开 北京 到上海去 跳伞 。 星期日晚上, 他被一个 农夫在 树 上发现的。 发生了什么事 , 农夫说 。 彼得 回答说,跳伞的时候, 他的降落伞 未能打开 。 农夫说 , 如果你在跳...详情>>

- 农民有一个西瓜园 , 经检查, 他发现 一些当地的孩子们 一直在偷盗他的西瓜 。 农民为阻止这种状态延续, 他就在西瓜地插 了一个牌子,上写着 : 警告 ! 其中一个 西瓜 含有...详情>>

- 一个农民 被送进 监狱, 他的妻子想 把 农场 在继续经营下去,等到 她丈夫 可以回来 。可是, 她不擅长于 农场的 工作 , 她写 了一封信给 在监狱里丈夫 : 亲爱的, 我 想种植 土豆...详情>>

- The first snow of winter, I was driving with my five year old son back to the home, seen a lot of accidents car along the way, and also there were some snow covers the body of the vehicle. The road is slippery, snow covered the pavement, I c...详情>>

- One day after dinner, one family to go out for a walk. Suddenly, a worm fell down from the tree, falling on the fathers head. The father took the worm in his hands , said: the worm, I really cant say worm s name. Mother said: I know the worm...详情>>

- The mother took her son to go to the store, bought a lot of mothers clothes and sons toy, but no any to Dad. On the way home, mother and son to discuss a deal with the fathers idea. Mom: our shopping was too crazy, spent too much money, your...详情>>

- The son loved his wooden sword toys most. The day came home from kindergarten, the son used to play the sword for a while. One day,the mother took his son to the market, wnen past a tofu shop, son stood in front of the door, looked at the gi...详情>>

- As my daughter like naughty boys. So, most of the kindergarten teacher didnt like her. But, one day, her chest with a small red flower came home from kindergarten, said Aunt reward her. I feel strange, ask: aunt reward you for what? She repl...详情>>

- I have a four years old daughter,as her father, never a sign of weakness. One day after the Spring Festival, I took my daughter to the Chinese city, daughter happened to meet the same kindergarten children, named Patty, two kids chatted. Pat...详情>>

- 拉什林堡和他的司机开车到乡下,不小心撞死了一头猪,林堡告诉司机,让他开车到农场,去向农民道歉。他们开车来到农场,司机下车敲前门进去。他逗留在那里好像有好几个小时。...详情>>

- 有一个农夫,他有一群猪。一天,有一个人到农场,问农夫:你用什么喂你的猪?农夫回答,我给他们的橡子,玉米,和类似的东西。 来人说:我来自动物保护协会,你没有尽责,那些...详情>>

- 蛇和兔子沿着一条相交叉的森林途径跑步,有一天,他们在十字路口相撞。他们争辩这是谁的过失。 蛇说,他天生失明,因此应给予更多的回旋余地。 兔子说,他自出生以来一直就是...详情>>

- 有2个瞎子坐在门廊上讨论月亮。 一个说,你认为哪个更近一些?是月亮还是德克萨斯? 另外一个说:切!你可以看到德克萨斯? There are 2 Blind person sitting on a porch looking at the moon. 1 B...详情>>

- 一个盲人跟着他的导盲犬走进一家商店。突然,他提起导盲犬的皮带,让狗在他的头上,摇头晃脑的张望。 经理跑到男人问,你在做什么?!! 盲人回答道,随便看一看。 A blind man...详情>>

- 从前有一个盲人去德克萨斯。当他坐到飞机上的时候,他觉得座位很宽敞,他说哇,这座位真大!他旁边的人回答说,在德克萨斯,所有的东西都大。 他终于抵达德克萨斯后,他来到一...详情>>

- 有两个瞎子在电影院。 第一个盲人:你能看到什么? 第二个瞎子:No. 第一个盲人:那么,让我们走到前面去! Two blind men are at a cinema. First blind man: Can you see something? Second blind man: No....详情>>

- 一个盲人等着过马路,一只狗停下来,用腿挡住了盲人的去路。 盲人在口袋里摸索出一些甜点,弯下腰给狗吃。一个过路人看见了,说盲人的行为非常善良,能够关注到狗的需求。 完...详情>>

- I took my son to go to the football match, the most loving for my son, is probably the referee blows the whistle. When the referee blows the whistle, the son will be excited and jumped up from seat. Then, my son asked me to buy him a whistle...详情>>

- Once a time out for the picnic, my mom drove, I was boring in the back seat, just want to give my mother a joke, I stood up from the back seat, with two hands over my mothers eyes, said: you guess, who am I? The results, a nasty brake, my he...详情>>

- Every day after dinner, The mother put 6 years old son to study, assigned a lot of homework. Then, holding the dog went downstairs to walk the dog. A day night, the son asked downstairs to play for a while, the mother not allowed. The son sa...详情>>

- The son came home from school, saw his father, he stretched out his hand for reward. Son: Dad, you are great! You could have such a great son. Dad: of course, your father is the best! However, how great of you today? Son: I was only seven ye...详情>>

- My brother is very clever, but unfortunately, he didnt like learning. One day, the mother went to the brother school parent-teacher conferences, after returning home, my brother called out of the room. Mom: you left in the first grade, you w...详情>>

- I was so clever in my childhood, the neighbors are aware, there is a clever boy lived the street Once, my mother took me downstairs to the shop to buy ice cream, the salesman is an uncle. I said: uncle, I have an ice cream. Uncle looked at m...详情>>

- On Sunday, I took my wife and daughter go to the Great Wall. Continuous walking, we were all very tired. 4 years old daughter said: Mum, Im tired, you hold me! Mother said: ah, your mother is very tired, how to do with that? The daughter sai...详情>>

- 一个男人沿着乡间道路开车,他看见,有一个农夫站在一个巨大的草场中间。他把车停在路上,发现农民正站在那儿,无所事事。他下了车,径直走到农夫,问他,啊,对不起,先生,...详情>>

- 一个男人和他的儿子去冰上钓鱼。半小时过去了,他们什么也没得到。 爸爸:当你在冰上钓鱼的时候,你不应该讲一个笑话。 儿子:你能告诉我为什么? 爸爸:冰面将会破裂! 爸爸的...详情>>

- 一个人的爱好是钓鱼,他在所有的周末都到附近的河流或湖泊钓鱼,从来没有注意过天气。 一个星期日,清晨,他来到河边。像往常一样,又冷又下雨了,和以前不同的是,他留意到天...详情>>

- 猎人给他的朋友展示他狩猎得到的奖杯。更吸引朋友们的注意力的是铺在地板上的狮子皮毯,我是在非洲猎杀了这个家伙。我是真不想杀这样一头大野兽,可是,不是我就是他。 好的,...详情>>
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