
- 客厅 lounge [英][laʊndʒ][美][laʊndʒ] 中英文小故事:满是垃圾的客厅 一个吸尘器推销员设法闯进一个农村妇女的家庭。这个机器是最好的!他说,同时将一袋垃圾倒在客厅地板上。农村妇...详情>>

- 美妙 wonderful [英][ˈwʌndəfl][美][wʌndərfl] 中英文对话:美妙的愿望 客户对服务员说:每天,你都收我一杯咖啡的钱,。如果今天你给我一杯免费的咖啡,将会很美妙。 服务员:先生,你...详情>>

- 音乐 music 英音:[ˈmju:zik] 美音:[ˈmjuzɪk] 关于音乐的中英文小故事 I LIVE ENTIRELY IN MY MUSICBEETHOVEN Beethoven probably began to go deaf after what he called his terrible typhus of 1797, but he tried to keep it a se...详情>>

- 大的 bigger [英][bɪgə][美][bɪgə] 中英文小故事:更大一些的鸡 肉店马上就要打烊了,一个女人走了进来。 她说:谢天谢地,我及时赶到了!你有鸡吗? 老板打开冰箱,拿出了他唯一的...详情>>

- 超级市场 supermarket [英][ˈsju:pəˌmɑ:kit][美][ˈsupɚˌmɑrkɪt] 中英文小故事:超级市场里的邂逅 在超级市场,他走近一个非常漂亮的女人,说道:你知道,我和我的妻子走散了。你能和我聊...详情>>

- 入口entrance [英][entrəns][美][ˈɛntrəns] 中英文小故事:商店的主入口 店主感觉很沮丧,一个全新的很类似自己业务的商店开在了他的隔壁,还架设了一个大招牌,上面写着:最好的交易...详情>>

- 丑陋 ugly [英][ʌɡlɪ][美][ˈʌɡli] 中英文小故事:女士,你真 丑陋 一位女士在上班的路上,她看到在一个宠物店前有一只鹦鹉在栖息。鹦鹉对她说:嘿,女士,你真丑陋。好吧,女士狂...详情>>

- 店员 clerk [英][klɑ:k][美][klɚk,klɑrk] 中英文小故事:口吃的店员 一个肌肉发达的大块头,有严重的口吃结巴,他去百货公司,问一个店员:男、男、男装、装、装部、部、在、在、在哪...详情>>

- 请 please [英][pli:z][美][pliz] 中英文小故事: 请不要干傻事 一个超级推销员要从桥上跳下去,一名警察来到旁边大叫道:等一等,伙计!请不要干傻事!!! 推销员说:为什么不? 接着...详情>>

- 保险 insurance [英][ɪnˈʃʊərəns][美][ɪnˈʃʊrəns] 中英文小故事:保险推销员一无所获 一个保险推销员努力的给一个农民推销保险,可是一无所获。 |看看,这位先生。 他最后说:如果你...详情>>

- 经理 manager [英][ˈmnɪdʒə(r)][美][ˈmnɪdʒɚ] 中英文小故事:三个经理没水喝 一个软件经理,一个硬件经理,和一个营销经理开车去开会。突然他们的汽车爆胎了。他们钻出了汽车,查看...详情>>

- 服务员 waiter 英音:[ˈweitə] 美音:[ˈwetɚ] 英文小笑话 Mr. Smith: Waiter, theres a dead fly in my soup. Waiter: Yes, sir, I know---its the heat that kills it. 史密斯先生:服务员,我的汤里有一只死苍蝇. 服...详情>>

- 门 door [英][dɔ:(r)][美][dɔr,dor] 中英文小故事:叫不开的门 在一栋房子前的台阶上,坐着一个小男孩。你妈妈在家吗?推销员问小男孩。 是的,她在家。男孩说。 男孩让他走了过去。推...详情>>

- 这里 here [英][hiə][美][hɪr] 中英文小故事:这里的人不穿鞋 两个鞋的销售人员被派往非洲开拓新的市场。他们到了那里三天以后,一个售货员打电话给办公室说:我搭乘下一个航班回去...详情>>

- 美味 delicious 英音:[diˈliʃəs] 美音:[dɪˈlɪʃəs] 中英文小故事 The Stone Soup Story Once upon a time, somewhere in Eastern Europe, there was a great famine. People jealously hoarded1 whatever food they could find, hidin...详情>>

- 心脏 heart [英][hɑ:t][美][hɑrt] 中英文小故事:推销员心脏病发作之后 一个推销员在他分管区域的一家汽车旅馆房间,心脏病发作而死。汽车旅馆经理打电话给推销员的公司,把这个悲剧...详情>>

- 模型 model [英][mɒdl][美][ˈmɑdl] 中英文小故事:卖汽车,还是卖汽车模型 一对夫妇站在汽车展厅前,盯着一款昂贵的车型。一个推销员感知他们在盘算和争论价格的问题,于是挤了过来...详情>>

- Angel Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. One day the child asked God: They tell me you are going to send me to earth tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless? God replied: Among the many angels...详情>>

- 希望 hope [英][həʊp][美][hop] 中英文小故事:希望你在那里会很快乐 有一次,有一个推销员打电话销售的是墓地。我告诉他,我们已经在另一个墓地有打算了。他似乎不能确定接下来要说...详情>>

- 热水瓶 thermos [英][ɜ:məs][美][ɜ:rməs] 中英文小故事:热水瓶的功能 迈克坐在他的公寓时,突然响了门铃。他打开门,发现有一个推销员在他的门廊,带著一个奇怪的的物件。 那是什么...详情>>

- Bob was having trouble getting to sleep at night. He went to see his doctor, who prescribed some extra-strong sleeping pills. Sunday night Bob took the pills,slept well and was awake before he heard the alarm. He took his time getting to th...详情>>

- 瓶子 bottle [英][bɒtl][美][ˈbɑtl] 中英文小故事:推销员和瓶子里出现的精灵 一个推销员走在海滩上发现了一个瓶子。当他抚摸着它的时候,看啦,一个精灵出现了。我将实现你的三个愿...详情>>

- A man tried to get a job in a stage show. What can you do? asked the producer. Imitate birds,the man said. Are you kidding? answered the producer,People like that are a dime a dozen. Well,I guess thats that. said the actor,as he spread his...详情>>

- 亲爱的 dear [英][dɪə(r)][美][dɪr] 中英文对照:给亲爱的儿子的一封信 亲爱的儿子, 我这封信写得很慢,因为我知道你看的不会快。我们现在搬家了,不住在你离开家时候的地方。 这里...详情>>

- 婴儿 baby [英][beɪbɪ][美][ˈbebi] 中英文小故事:被亮光吸引的婴儿 在田纳西州丛林的深处,一个乡下人的妻子到半夜里要临产了,医生被叫来协助接生。因为没有电,医生让父亲拿起一...详情>>

- The King and His Stories Once there was a king. He likes to write stories, but his stories were not good. As people were afraid of him, they all said his stories were good. One day the king showed his stories to a famous writer. He waited t...详情>>

- Long ago a great mountain began to rumble and shake . People came from far and near to see what would happen. A great river will be born. said one. Surely nothing less than a mighty dragon will come out. said another. A god himself will spr...详情>>

- A lion had come to the end of his days. He lay helpless under a tree. The animals came around him. When they saw that he was going to die, they thought to themselves, Now is the time to pay him back. So the boar came up and rushed at him wi...详情>>

- here was a big fight between the birds and the beasts. The bat did not join in the fight. Some birds said to the bat, Come with us. But he replied, I am a beast. Later on, some beasts said to him, Come with us. But he replied, I am a bird....详情>>

- One winter morning, an employee explained why he had shown up for work 45 minutes late. It was so slippery out that for every step I took ahead, I slipped back two. The boss eyed him suspiciously. Oh, yeah? Then how did you ever get here? I...详情>>
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