
- 有一只可爱的小松鼠,虽然长得很可爱,但胆子特别小,不论什么时候都紧紧跟随在妈妈身边,妈妈走到哪儿,她就跟到哪儿,白天在树上采松果,要妈妈采了给她吃,晚上睡觉,要妈...详情>>

- Goat 英 [ɡəʊt] 美 [ɡoʊt] n. 山羊; The fox and the goat An unlucky fox fell into a well. It was quite deep, so he could not get out by himself.. A goat passed by. He asked the fox what he was doing in the well. Oh, have you not he...详情>>

- Tail 英 [teɪl] 美 [teɪl] n. 后部;尾巴 The fox without a tail A foxs tail was caught in a trap. When he was trying to release himself, he lost his whole tail except the stump. At first he was ashamed to see the other foxes because...详情>>

- Grape 英 [ɡreɪp] 美 [ɡreɪp] n. 葡萄;葡萄树 One hot summer day a fox was walking through an orchard. He stopped before a bunch of grapes. They were ripe and juicy. Im just feeling thirsty, he thought. So he backed up a few paces...详情>>

- Weekend, a man let his wife have a rest, and he take his 6 year old son in the kitchen to do a good job,then served at the table. Mother happy to sit at the table, she said: thank you, my son, my husband. Suddenly, she screamed: a dead fly....详情>>

- 在一个小镇里,有一个医生,在这个地区一直以能捕捉大鱼而著名。 一天,他在其中一个经常钓鱼的地方,他接到了一个电话,在附近的一个农场,一个女人要生孩子了。 他马上过去到...详情>>

- There are a lot of people in front of the hospital, many patients come to see the doctor. Because the hospital not to let the dog in, so one of patient tied his dog to the hospital door, enter the hospital to see the doctor. The dog waitting...详情>>

- Morning, mother made breakfast, called the son of five years old to get up, after breakfast to go to kindergarten. Son lying in bed and keep his eyes closed, not wake. Mother called him many times, the son is not open eyes. At this time, dad...详情>>

- 一个男人带着他的狗去酒吧。他走到酒吧要喝一杯。男招待说:你不能把狗带到这里来!他说:这是我的导盲犬。 哦,男招待说,对不起,第一杯算在我的账上。 男人拿着酒来到门边...详情>>

- My wife learned to drive a car, but, driving technique is too poor, She made something happen every few days .Todays evening, my wife back home, put a very big bag of strawberry on the table. I asked: why did you buy so many strawberry? My w...详情>>

- I went to pick up my daughter from school yesterday, came to school early, the daughter has not dismissed, I had to wait outside the door of the classroom. From the door, just in time to see the teacher questions my daughter, but the daughte...详情>>

- 7 - year-old son play computer games very much, from morning to noon, he looks very tired look, dad said to him: you look sleepy, better go to sleep. The son said: I am not sleepy, I want to play for a while. The son has just finished, yawne...详情>>

- In my childhood, once, I eat the apple, accidentally put apple seeds to swallow it, I dont know what to do, and ran to ask my brother. Brother said: bad, a few days later, your head will grow an apple tree! I was terrified, for two weeks, I...详情>>

- The hospital outpatient department, a father took his son to see the doctor. The doctor examined, said: have a fever, I suggest a shot Son heard about shots, soon ran away, Dad immediately go out after. Ten minutes later, father took his son...详情>>

- Linda with her three year old son to the company, A young man came to the little boy: baby, call me daddy, I give you the chocolate. Another young man said: call me daddy, Ill buy you ice cream. The manager said: baby, call me daddy, I give...详情>>

- Not long ago, one of high-speed rail in the train accident, there were many students discuss about ... ... A classmate: sit together with high-speed rail is very dangerous, you have to write a will. A classmate also echoed said: yes, I sit h...详情>>

- Summer time, the weather is very hot. Peter clung to his mother to buy ice cream, said cant stand the heat,Mother thought for a moment, took out ten dollar of money to Peter. Mother said: 10 can buy 5 ice creams, mom and Dad, Grandpa and gra...详情>>

- 一对老农民夫妇在一起生活了很多年。下周是他们的金婚纪念日。让我们举行一个纪念日派对,她建议。杀一头猪怎么样? 为什么,农夫说,我不知道,为什么要让这头猪为五十年前发...详情>>

- 一个农夫正在面试一位寻求农场助理工作的年轻人。 你必须要够强壮,农夫说。你以前有过什么病吗?有过什么意外发生? 不,先生,年轻人自豪地回答。 但你拄着拐杖。你一定出事...详情>>

- 一个农业专业的学生对农夫说:你种植的方法太落后了。如果这棵树给你不超过价值二十磅的苹果,我不会感到惊讶。 我不会惊讶,农夫说,这是一棵桔子树。 An agriculture student said t...详情>>

- 在开车到乡村的路上,一个城里人看见,一位农民把猪举高到一棵苹果树那么高,很费力的、让猪一个苹果一个苹果的吃。 也许,我不知道我在说什么,城里人说,但是如果你只是摇树...详情>>

- 有个农夫,有很多牲畜。他有牛,马,鸡,猪,牛。一天,一个可怕的龙卷风来了,他和他的家人只能藏在附近的沟里。当这一切都结束了,他抬头看了看,房子不见了。他走出去,看...详情>>

- 一个男人开车,沿着乡间小路去拜访一些朋友,经过一段泥泞的路,陷在泥泞里。怎么样也没法把车开出来了。几分钟后,一个年轻的农夫走过来,身边还有一头牛。 农夫看到在困难中...详情>>

- 早晨,一个男人的车在乡村道路抛锚。当他去修理时,一头牛走过来说。你的问题应该是在化油器,。 男人吓了一跳,他跳了起来,直到他遇见一个农夫。男人告诉农民,他刚才的故事...详情>>

- Father and mother quarrel, 5 year old daughter came back to comfort father, and then persuade mother. But mom and dad to maintain a road to black. Dad said: baby, mom and dad divorced, who do you want to go with? Mother said: baby, we all li...详情>>

- 一个退休的 农民 出售自己的 土地 , 需要处理掉 他的农场 动物 。 所以他走访了 镇上所有的 房子 。 如果房子主 人是男人 , 他就给 马 。 房子主人 是女人的话 , 一定 是给一只鸡...详情>>

- 彼得 在一个 安静 的乡间公路上旅行。 他看到一栋 房子外面,有 一大群人聚集在一起 。 他停下来,问一个 农夫, 为什么有那么多的 人群聚集 。 那位农夫回答说 , 鲍勃 的骡子 踢...详情>>

- 胡安 开着车,走在一条 乡间小路。 突然,有一只 鸡出现在他 前面 。 他 猛踩刹车 ,同时他发现,这只 鸡跑的速度特别快 , 大约有30 英里时速 。 出于好奇, 他开 车去追这只鸡 ,...详情>>

- 我在电视上看到过, 一个 老农民 买彩票中 了一千万 。 他自然被 问到、 他会如何使 用这些钱 。 他 抓挠着自己的脑袋, 说 , 不是很确定, 我想,我 会一直保持干农活, 直到这些...详情>>

- 星期日早上 , 魔鬼 决定去一趟 教堂 。 教堂的门 突然开了 , 魔鬼来了 。 除了两个人之外, 人们都在往教堂外面 跑 ,这 两个人, 一个 是牧师 , 另一种是一个 老农民 。 撒旦 有...详情>>
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