Once a time out for the picnic, my mom drove, I was boring in the back seat, just want to give my mother a joke, I stood up from the back seat, with two hands over my mother's eyes, said: "you guess, who am I? "The results, a nasty brake, my head hit swollen up. My mother pulled me out of the car, looked me in the eyes to say: " never have such a fun, especially when I'm driving. " 有一次出门郊游,我妈妈开车,我一个人在后座上无聊,就想和妈妈开一个玩笑,我从后座站起来,用两只手蒙住妈妈的眼睛,说:“你猜,我是谁?” 结果,一个急刹车,我的脑袋撞了一个大包。 妈妈把我拉下车,看着我的眼睛,一个字一个字地说:“永远不要再开这样的玩笑,尤其是在我开车的时候。” |