
- 6岁女儿从小就喜欢白颜色,她的所有衣服、裙子全部是白颜色的。这天,图画课上老师拿了一些白纸,发给每个学生人手一张,让孩子们涂上自己最喜欢的颜色。 女儿对老师说:老师,...详情>>

- 一家三口去郊外野餐,野餐的食物很丰富,有烤肉、香肠、火腿面包,还有一大桶冰激凌。饱餐后的妻子特别开心,走到丈夫面前说,老公真能干,这是我吃到的最好吃的大餐。说完后...详情>>

- 我小时侯可聪明了,爸爸妈妈、爷爷奶奶都说我是神童。直到有一次,全家出去玩,奶奶掏出100块钱要去买东西,一阵风吹来,钱被吹跑了。爸爸妈妈,爷爷奶奶都在地上找了半天,可...详情>>

- 海滨有一条路,叫做情侣路。每个周末都有很多情侣来此游玩照相。 这天,3个女友路过,看见许多情侣在情侣路照相; A: 你看,这里多漂亮啊,如果我有男友,也拉他来这里照相。...详情>>

- 幼儿园的小朋友去动物园后,老师问小朋友:动物园里,哪个动物最特别? 戴维说:熊猫最特别,他好像带了一幅眼镜。 帕蒂说:我看,是猴子最特别,他能爬到很高的树上。 彼得说...详情>>

- 本人是大学一个新潮女生,他们叫我:嬉皮女。 情人节到了,我找到一份兼职工作,在花店里卖花。 我正在整理花束,一个小女孩跑过来说:叔叔,我要买一束玫瑰。 我一脸的不高兴...详情>>

- 周末,我带女儿去商场购物,在路上,遇到了一跪着的少年,少年面前的一张纸上写着:求买一个面包的钱。 为了激发女儿同情心,我拿出五元钱交给女儿,让女儿给了那个少年。 进到...详情>>

- 我和我的妻子离异之后,我独自带着五岁的女儿生活在一个小城市里 我的女儿上幼儿园大班,淘气得像一个男孩子。害得我经常要去幼儿园听老师的训话。女儿的老师是个比我年纪小几...详情>>

- 当时,我的朋友在一个眼科医院做前台的接待员,有一个生气的女人冲到了她的办公桌前。 有人偷了我的假发,就在我昨天做手术的时候,她抱怨道。 医生出来,试图让她冷静下来。...详情>>

- 一个担心妻子的丈夫,和医生谈他的妻子。他对医生说,医生,我想我妻子是聋子,因为她第一时间从来没有听到我的话,总是让我做重复的事情。 好吧,医生说,今晚回家,站在离你...详情>>

- 四个已婚男人在星期日去打高尔夫球。在第三孔的时候,以下的对话产生了: 第一个男人:伙计,你不知道我必须做什么才能周末出来打高尔夫球。我答应过我的妻子,我要在下周末把...详情>>

- 一辆小汽车飞快的驶入医院,车停稳后,下来一个女人,直接走到医生的桌子前。 医生:你好,请问您的名字? 女人:我的名字叫琳达,可以吗? 医生:哦,当然!请问你有什么问题...详情>>

- 一天,在关于合同法的课堂上,教授杰普森问他最出色的一个学生,如果你给某人一个橙子,你会怎么做呢? 这个学生回答说,给你一个橘子。 教授很生气。不行!不行!你要像律师一...详情>>

- 医生:有什么问题吗? 病人:医生,我一直觉得没人能听见我说的话。 医生:有什么问题吗? 病人:别人说的话,我也听不清楚。 医生:有什么问题吗? 病人:我没有什么问题,有问...详情>>

- 医生:你还能活很多年,没问题的! 病人:你说什么?我没有听清楚! 医生:你现在身体很健康。你会活到八十岁的。 病人:可是,医生,我现在就是80岁了。 医生:看,我告诉过你...详情>>

- 你真的相信你的丈夫,他告诉你的,他每个周末去钓鱼吗?简的朋友问。 我为什么不相信?简说。 嗯,也许他有外遇? 绝对不会的简说他回来的时候,永远不会带回来任何鱼 Do you re...详情>>

- 一个小男孩坐在路边,拽着一根钓鱼线放进下水道里。 一个女人经过,看到小男孩,觉得很同情这个孩子,同时也想给他一些幽默,于是给了小男孩50美分,并亲切地问你有多少捕获?...详情>>

- A mother riding a bicycle sending her daughter to kindergarten. At the door of the kindergarten, saw an aunt drive a car to send her children to kindergarten.daughter asked her mother: Mom, why dont you buy a car? Mother replied: mother had...详情>>

- Father is a train driver, one day, hemustbeverytiredafterthelongjourney., He back home to sit on the sofa, and called the six year old son. Dad said: son, Help father massage, today is really tired. The son said: you say, have to pay in orde...详情>>

- At noon today, I invited my wife to a restaurant for lunch. There are two children at lunch next table, the little boy about ten years old, the little girl eight or nine years old. As they chat voice is quite big, I dont want to hear their c...详情>>

- When my son childhood he was simple and honest, no matter who, he believed the words of others, especially easily deceived. When he was seven years old, one day, on the way back from school, my son suddenly encountered a woman, the woman sai...详情>>

- I heard from a neighbor, there is a foreign teacher to the childrens English training class, I took my children to learn. In order to give the childrens tuition, I canceled travel plans,My husbandcomplained me for a week. One day, the childr...详情>>

- Dad play games on the computer, mother mowing in the yard , 30 minutes later, the mother is tired, let the three year old son to ask his father to help. After a while, the son runs back to say: father is stealing food! Other 30 minutes later...详情>>

- The kindergarten organization children to the botanical garden, mom heard about, guess: the daughter may have a happy day. When daughter entered the door, mother ask her: Are you happy, baby? The daughter said: happy! Mother asked: is it fun...详情>>

- 犯人:医生您好,这次,你能不能把我的一条胳膊带走? 医生:为什么是胳膊?你的胳膊很好,没有病。 犯人:看这里,医生!你已经把我的脾脏,扁桃体,腺样体,和我的一个肾都带...详情>>

- Christmas Eve, the daughter not go to bed, waitting for Santa claus. Her dad really cant stay, just go to sleep. The daughter asked her mother: mom! Christmas grandpa will be a gift for me tonight? The Mother said.:Santa claus should not onl...详情>>

- I have a four year old son. My husband and I discussed, in front of the son, I will be the bad guy, his father be a good people. In general, when my son angry with me,he will find his father to complain, father will coax son returned to the...详情>>

- One night, my husband drank a little wine, I accompany him to go to the cinema. The film has just begun, he start to talk, never stop. I said: dont talk any more, there is no way to watch movies. My husband said: well, I no longer talk, spea...详情>>

- Today I bought a new mobile phone, after back home, I was sitting on the sofa with playing games, 5 year old daughter came, asked me to play with my mobile phone, I am afraid of new mobile phone was broken, did not let her play! After a whil...详情>>

- Residential door, the little girl was walking in front, the little boy after the little girl, The boy said: you dont get angry, I dance for you! Then, the boy danced a hip hop. Suddenly, the boy accidentally, fell into the pond, The little g...详情>>
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