我和我的妻子离异之后,我独自带着五岁的女儿生活在一个小城市里…… 我的女儿上幼儿园大班,淘气得像一个男孩子。害得我经常要去幼儿园听老师的训话。女儿的老师是个比我年纪小几岁的女士,对我女儿还是很好的。 有一次,我去接女儿,突然女儿说:“爸爸,我给你介绍个女朋友”。 我以为小孩子开玩笑,就说:“好啊!女儿懂事啦!关心老爸了。” 女儿回头大喊:“老师,老师,我爸爸答应喽!” 老师一脸害羞的走了出来。 从那以后,每天都不用接女儿了,都由她老师直接带回家了。 After my wife and I divorced, I was alone with five year old daughter in a small city...... My daughter is naughty like a boy in kindergarten, So, I went to kindergarten accept the teacher's criticism often. The teacher is a few years younger than me, treat my daughter very good. Once, I went to kindergarten to pick up my daughter, suddenly the daughter said: "Dad, I introduce a girl frend to you ". I thought the children just make fun of, say: "good ah! The sensible daughter! Care for Dad." daughter turned back and shouted: "teacher, teacher, my father promised!" The teacher looked shy and walked away. From then on, I don't pick up my daughter every day, the teacher took daughter directly home. |