本人是大学一个新潮女生,他们叫我:嬉皮女。 情人节到了,我找到一份兼职工作,在花店里卖花。 我正在整理花束,一个小女孩跑过来说:“叔叔,我要买一束玫瑰。” 我一脸的不高兴,机灵的小女孩忙改口说:“哥哥,我要买一束玫瑰。” 我悲愤:苍天哪,我长得那么象男的吗?! I am a university fashion girls, they call me: a hippie girl. Valentine's Day arrived, I found a part-time job, in a flower shop. I was finishing a bouquet of flowers, a little girl ran over and said: "uncle, I want to buy a bouquet of roses." My face seems not happy, smart girl correct herself say: "brother, I want to buy a bouquet of roses." I grieved:My god, I looked so much like a man?! |