
- Little Peter was very naughty, often steal the fruit up to trees near the school,Also there is a fishing pond not far away.One day, Peter went to the pond fishing, the owner found, he was taken to the police station. Police: Are you * * * sc...详情>>

- 一片森林里,住着美丽的两姐妹,在她们的花园里,有好大盛开的一片玫瑰花,姐姐喜欢红玫瑰,妹妹喜欢白玫瑰。所以啊,红玫瑰和白玫瑰都鲜艳美丽。 可是有一天,一片黑压压的乌...详情>>

- Overseas Chinese who living in the west, many of them not let the children eat candy. The kids were five years old, he visit relatives with family in the Chinese Spring Festival . and he eat chocolates first time Ah! The original chocolate i...详情>>

- A couple walking beside the river , watching the river , the girl suddenly asked the boy : ask you a question , if your mother and I , we two people fall into the river , who you will save first? Boy said : let me think . Guy think about fo...详情>>

- 爸爸出门前对妈妈说:今晚有社交应酬,我不回家吃饭了。 可可说:妈妈,什么是社交应酬? 妈妈说:社交应酬就是不想去但是还得去。 可可说听懂了。第二天早晨他要上学了,他说...详情>>

- Tom is a technical staff , rather part wood , he quietly like the next office Lisa , but he is very difficult to Lisa reluctant to express , he heard , Lisa like roses , think it over and over again , he bought a bunch of roses for Lisa . L...详情>>

- 一个老头和老太婆,他们过去有一个可爱的小女儿,小女儿喜欢小花猫,所以啊他们家有一只黑白相间的小花猫,小女儿喜欢小狗,所以啊,他们家有一只有着长长耳朵的牧羊犬、小女...详情>>

- 病人:医生,我有一个严重的记忆问题。我什么都不记得了! 医生:那么,你什么时候有这个问题? 病人:什么问题? 医生:我给你提高记忆那些药片吃了吗? 病人:什么药? 医生:...详情>>

- 我上小学的时候,有一个晚上,突然出现了一个天使在我身边。 天使对我说:告诉我,你有什么愿望,我来帮你实现。 我在第二天就要考试,高兴地说:我要明天考试100分! 天使说:...详情>>

- 我要带着儿子去看爷爷,这是他第一次去爷爷家,我告诉他,去爷爷家必须要开车从高速路去。 当我们随着车流涌向高速路时,儿子问:爸爸,这么多的车都干啥呢? 我说:上高速路呀...详情>>

- 5、你从来不需要在电视上看重播画面。 4、你总是遇到新的人。 3、你不必在意你配偶的抱怨和投诉。 2、你可以隐藏自己的复活节彩蛋。 1、神秘总是很有趣的。 5. You never have to watch...详情>>

- 病人:医生,我想,我吞下了一个枕头。 医生:你感觉如何? 病人:有些沮丧,闷闷不乐的。 医生:下次再吞枕头的时候,最好放一点酱油。 病人:你的药方太好了,我要付你多少钱...详情>>

- 一个牙医,完成对病人的工作后,向他请求帮忙。 牙医:你能帮我吗?你能发出一些最大的声音,最痛苦的尖叫声吗? 病人:为什么?医生,这段时间没有那么糟糕吧。 牙医:现在,...详情>>

- 当医生检查完病人,他说,我找不到你痛苦的原因。坦率地说,我认为这是由于你饮酒的缘故。 那么,病人说,当你清醒时,我再回来。 医生说:事实上,从医学院毕业后,我还没有清...详情>>

- 病人:拔牙多少钱? 牙医:100美元。 病人:仅几分钟的工作就100美元吗? 牙医:好的,如果你喜欢,我可以慢慢来。 Patient: How much to have this tooth pulled? Dentist: $100.00. Patient: $100.00 for...详情>>

- 五岁的女儿问:妈妈,电脑为什么会发热? 我说:电脑开机时间太长了,就会发热。可以关机休息一下。人发烧也是要休息的 晚上回家,发现女儿在玩电脑游戏,还把一条湿毛巾搭在电...详情>>

- 我在等朋友的时候,一小朋友走了过来,和我聊天。 他说:叔叔,你是做什么的? 我回答:叔叔是商人,很聪明的!你不去上学,在这里干什么? 小朋友:我也是商人,我卖长寿的秘...详情>>

- 游乐场的门口上有一个大佛雕塑,脸上的表情总是笑嘻嘻的,有的人也管他叫笑佛。游人经过的时候,只要往他的肚子上扔一枚硬币,他就会哈哈大笑起来。那天,有一位年轻女士不断...详情>>

- The little boy Asked a little girl: when you grow up, would you marry me? She said: Oh, I cant do it. The little boy ask urgently: why? The little girl said: in our home, only our own home to get married. You see, my father married my mother...详情>>

- 城里开了一家新商场,白奶奶很想去逛逛。 可是白奶奶的儿子,孙子都不同意,街上那么多人,那么多车,撞 了白奶奶怎么办呀? 白奶奶就想悄悄溜出去。她刚打开门,就被在院子里...详情>>

- 粗心的胖嫂接到妈妈的一封信,刚看了幵头一句话妈妈 生了重病就焦急万分,抱起孩子连夜赶回娘家去。夜路 难走,胖嫂又心慌意乱,走到冬瓜地里不小心跌了一跤,怀圼 的孩子也摔...详情>>

- My wife said to the son: your father and I will give you a sister. The son replied: I know you want to avoid some trouble! I said: can we avoid any trouble? He explained: you can directly get us married when my sister and I grew up, you don...详情>>

- I took my little brother to go out and buy clothes yesterday, when pass by a cake shop, he pulled me in and said: elder sister, this cake is really good-looking ah. Im a little pity my brother, said: if you really love, then look at it for a...详情>>

- My daughter is four years old this year. One day I was ill,my daughter is very concerned about ,she serious stand beside of my bed, said, I hope you getting better soon and you are not sick any more, my heart was touched, I nodded to my girl...详情>>

- I went out to buy cigarettes afternoon, met the next door kid who named Peter to draw something on his fathers car. I was curious, ask him: why did you graffiti in your fathers car? The boy looked at me and said, my father beat me, please do...详情>>

- My childhood learned play chess at school. One day my dad and a large number of neighbors chatting in the street, I was playing chess with some friends where not far from my dad . The neighbors praise me, my dad proud and say: ah, I have not...详情>>

- On the primary school, the first time I lie. One time, in order to pay tuition fee, my mother gave me a $100 , but the school do not charge the expense, on the way home after school, I find out the roadside selling snacks, did not hold it an...详情>>

- I just go back home, my son said his shoes are worn out, he wants me to go store to buy a pair of shoes with him. We get in gate of the shop, I gave him 50 dollars, said: you have to buy shoes yourself, I wait for you here. I looked at my so...详情>>

- In a large class of a kindergarten, the teacher let the children to ask questions. They asked one after next, a child has been raised his hands in the air, but when it was his turn, he put his hand down. The teacher asked him: you have been...详情>>

- The daughter took the papers, stout and said to her mother: Mom, I failed in the maths exam. The mother was furious: really? The daughter nodded, then the mother tried to strike her. The daughter suddenly take the paper raised, said: look at...详情>>
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