
- My son is six years old this year, once at noon ,I want take the son to go sleep.I said: son, shall we play a game together? I will be your chief when you be my guard, you have to listen to my command. The son is very happy, because he loves...详情>>

- My son grew up in the city, a lot of animal are only seen in books, seen in the zoo. Last year the son was two year old.We went back to our hometown, on the way home we saw a donkey in the grass. I asked my son: what is this? The son sees fr...详情>>

- Once I pick up my 4 year old son back home from the kindergarten, on the way home he said to me: Mom, can you say to the teacher? I said: say what? The son said: I want to get married with teacher, she is pretty. I asked: what should I tell...详情>>

- The son: Mom, please give me 1 dollars pocket money every day. I want to start saving money. The mother: whats up? The son: Im going to do a good deed every day. The mother is very happy, she let her son has a dollar. every day Until one day...详情>>

- One day, three years old little boy already drank 2 cans of Coca Cola, he still wants more, his father wouldnt let him drink. Boy: this is the last one. Dad asked: what will you do if you drink later? Little boy: I will be a dog. The time th...详情>>

- Baby: I saw a little boy crying. Mother: what are you going to do? Baby: I want to help him and going to wipe tears for him. Mom. Not bad. When you see other children cry, you have to come forward to comfort him, dont laugh at him, so that c...详情>>

- One day, I took my son to play around. On the way home, my son said to me: Dad, I am very tired. What do you mean? I asked. We take the bus,ok? It depends on your performance. I say. Well, if I perform well, we take a bus to home; otherwise...详情>>

- This morning, I took the new Apple iPhone playing the game. A four - five years old children run to me and ask : dear sister, what do you got? Let me have a look! I: all right. When the childs mother came.The child said to his mother: Mom, y...详情>>

- My daughter seven years old still not get rid of the bad habit of lying in bed at morning. Sunday morning, my husband go out to buy some food, I prepare to teach daughter a lesson I called my daughter to get up,who was lying in bed and readi...详情>>

- Man [英][mn] [美][mn] 儿童英文小故事:你是谁啊 一个男人真的很爱一个女人,但是他太害羞,不敢向她求婚。当然,他们给在过去的六年里都保持着约会见面,每周一次,然而他从来不敢...详情>>

- 姐妹 sister [英][sistə] [美][sɪstɚ] 中英文小故事: My smart sister My sister is 7 years old this year. One day she went to the market to buy some food. She asked the greengrocer: how much a pound of vegetables? Greengrocer: $2....详情>>

- 生日 birthday [英][bə:dei] [美][bɚde] 中英文小故事: what do you want for your birthday Its David s birthday, mother is going to buy David a present. Mom: son, what do you want for your birthday? Son: just a piece of cake. Mothe...详情>>

- 小羊 lamb [英][lm] [美][lm] 中英文小故事:大灰狼饿了五年吃不上小羊羊 My son with me together to watched a cartoon series, the beginning is always worried about, the lamb will be eaten by wolves. When we begin to watch...详情>>

- 士兵 soldier [英][səuldʒə] [美][soldʒɚ] 中英文小故事:精神失常的士兵 A general noticed one of his soldiers behaving oddly. The soldier would pick up any piece of paper he found, frown and say, Thats not it and put it d...详情>>

- 一个骑兵顺着路飞奔,急于赶上他的连队。突然,他的马绊了一下,把他抛到地上。 骑兵摔坏了一条腿,躺在肮脏的地上,害怕敌人会赶上来,士兵喊道:天上的神灵,请帮助我骑上我...详情>>

- 鲍威尔,曾经的美国最高级别的军官,(任过国务卿),经常爱提起他在越南战争中的一段经历。 有一次,鲍威尔发现在居民区有一个军警岗哨,他决定调查,这个岗哨为什么选择这个...详情>>

- 餐馆 restaurant [英][restərənt] [美][rɛstərənt, -tərɑnt] 中英文对答: 中国城的中国餐馆 Q: you have been to China, Chinese restaurant? Answer: of course yes, why do you ask? 问:你去过中国城的中国餐馆吗?...详情>>

- 家 home [英][həum] [美][hom] 在陆军基本训练的过程中,中尉让士兵列队,问他们每个人的家在哪里。 当所有的人都说完了以后,他冷笑着说:你们都错了,军队现在就是你们的家。回到营...详情>>

- 青蛙 frog [英][frɔɡ] [美][frɔɡ, frɑɡ] 准尉过马路的时候,一只青蛙叫住了他说,如果你吻我,我会变成一个美丽的公主。他弯下腰来,把青蛙捡起来,放在口袋里。 青蛙又开口了,说,...详情>>

- 一个老伯伯骑着三轮车碰倒了鲁鲁,鲁鲁的妈妈找到老伯伯。 老伯伯问:伤的很重吗? 妈妈回答:他的手抬不起来了。 鲁鲁满脸痛苦表情。 伯伯问:那么,他的手过去能举多高? 妈...详情>>

- 世界 world [英][wɜ(r)ld] [美][wɜrld ] 中英文小故事:加入军队,去看世界 Join the Army and see the world 两个步兵在挖散兵坑。 是什么让你参军的?一个问。 嗯,我读的一个海报上说过:加入军...详情>>

- 天堂 heaven [英][hevn] [美][hɛvən] 中英文小对话: 当兵的不会去天堂吗 小威利问妈妈:妈妈,当兵的不会去天堂吗? 他们当然会去!他的妈妈说:你想问什么? 有很多士兵留着胡须,但...详情>>

- When my son was 5 years old, in order to improve his ability to find home, each time after shopping, on our way home, I play a game with son. I asked my son go as a guide dogs in front leading the way, son hand pull a little of one end of th...详情>>

- Son wants to play the game weekend, but mother asked son to do homework, or confiscate the game disc.Son started to do homework, mom went to the yard. Son while doing homework, shouted: there is a thief, thief! Mother took the broom rushed i...详情>>

- 女儿很快就要到五岁生日了。爸爸和妈妈为了让女儿过一个有意义的生日,特意做了一番准备。 生日这天到了,妈妈把生日蛋糕端到女儿面前,插上了蜡烛,爸爸点着了蜡烛 妈妈:我们...详情>>

- 周末,一家三口到公园里游玩,他们走到公园的小山上的时候,妈妈发现在路边的草丛里有很多野菜,就拉上爸爸、5岁的孩子一起摘起野菜来。一会儿就摘了一堆野菜。 孩子用手背抹...详情>>

- 父亲邀请朋友到家里吃饭,叫儿子到楼下的商店里去买一瓶酒。儿子说:酒瓶子里还有半瓶酒呢 爸爸说:太少了。 儿子拿起餐桌的半瓶酒,出门去了,几分钟后,儿子提着瓶子回来。...详情>>

- 老师问小刚:刚才,你为什么把一桶水都浇到芳芳的头上? 小刚回答:她洗完手没有擦干净,还到处甩,把几滴水滴在我的身上了。 老师:那就需要你这样报复他吗? 小刚说:这是必...详情>>

- The mother and son were watching TV animal world . The son asked: when the King of Lion become old, king of lion will be driven out from the lions, so, the old lion king lady has become the new lion king s wife, right? Mother answered: yes,...详情>>

- One day, the mother with her three year old daughter to go shopping, Pass by a candy store, daughter hugged his mother: Mom, you smashed a bowl yesterday, I didnt tell my dad. Mother said: dont tell your father anything Daughter said: mum is...详情>>
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