
- 文件要人代读,边听边睡,不看就批,错了怪人;对事情心中无数,又不愿跟人商量,推来推去,不了了之。 对上则支支吾吾,唯唯诺诺,对下则不懂装懂,指手划脚,对同级则貌合神离...详情>>

- 技术发展带来了许多新事物,这些旧事物都有了新说法,尿布不是原来的尿布,电视也不是原来是电视了。 1: Cloth Diapers:纸尿布的英文 过去叫:diapers。由于一次性纸尿布的出现,现在...详情>>

- 原标题:走进时尚生活 教你如何用英语说说瑜伽那些事 1.瑜伽已成为全人类的财富。 Yoga has become the treasure of all haman beings. Yoga has become the treasure of the world. 2.你听说过瑜伽吗? Have you...详情>>

- 1 Im sorry I have the wrong number. 抱歉我打错电话了. (打错电话通常用:have the wrong number表示) 2 Is this 02-2718-5398? 这里是02-2718-5398吗? 3 Sorry to have bothered you. 很抱歉打扰你了。 4 Im sorry. I thi...详情>>

- Exquisite, impeccable and dazzling are not words often used when asked to describe airline food. However, these are the descriptions used by luxury food magazine Saveur, when it revealed the carriers with the best in-flight options. The maga...详情>>

- 原标题:口语:地道表达热 ,就这个feel,倍儿热! 1. Its raining fire.(炎热指数 ) 天跟下火似的。 [解析] 这一句光是看字面就能体会到那份焦灼之感,raining fire, 下火。 2.Its hot as heck(hell)....详情>>

- 1.What brings you to Beijing? 我浑身酸痛。 2. I have a runny nose. 我流鼻涕。 3. Do you have any openings? 你们有空缺吗? 4. Think nothing of it. 别放在心上。 5. Im not myself today. 我今天心神不宁。...详情>>

- 原标题:英语口语:忙死了英语怎么表达 1. have/get one's hands full 很忙,应接不暇
Three emergency cases came into the hospital at the same time and the doctors really had their hands full....详情>>

- Pisces 双鱼(Feb. 20 - Mar. 20) Your specialty, Pisces, is emotions, maybe even more so than sentimental Cancer. Youre comfortable sniffling and dabbing at your eyes during a sad movie (or a commercial, for that matter) and rather - no, ex...详情>>

- Aquarius 水瓶(Jan. 21 - Feb. 19) Youre the rebel, the radical, and the eccentric in every group, whether its family, friends, or your team at work. You love and cultivate those labels because of the freedom they allow you to be yourself....详情>>

- Capricorn 摩羯(Dec. 22 - Jan. 20) When it comes to taking charge, while you may occasionally pretend you dont absolutely adore it, to be perfectly honest, you know you do - and you know we all love it when youre driving, because youre so...详情>>

- Sagittarius 射手(Nov. 23 - Dec. 21) You love to learn, travel, and have fun with interesting others. In short, if its new, uncharted territory, if you feel that youre boldly going where no one has gone before - yourself in particular - th...详情>>

- Libra 天秤 (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23) Contrary to popular opinion, your specialty, Libra, is not balance itself, its restoring balance to unbalanced situations. So what you cant stand, more than anything else, is seeing lopsided, prejudiced, un...详情>>

- Leo 狮子 (July 23 - Aug. 22) Yours is the sign of the performer, Leo. You can turn any place into a stage, from an actual podium to a bar to the front of a classroom. What makes you crazy is one thing: someone who tries to steal your appl...详情>>

- Virgo 处女 (Aug. 23 - Sept. 23) Cleanliness. Order. Organization. Thats what you need to function at your best, Virgo, in your personal surroundings, your workplace, and your daily schedule. So what drives you crazy more than anything els...详情>>

- Cancer 巨蟹 (June 22 - July 22) Safety, security, and your home and family are what matter most to you. Cancer, and theres nothing you love more than spending an evening at your place, surrounded by loved ones, snuggled up under a quilt....详情>>

- Gemini 双子 (May 22 - June 21) Mercury is your planet, Gemini, the guy with the wings on his head and his feet, symbolizing his quicksilver abilities when it comes to mental and physical speed. So, understandably, nothing makes you crazie...详情>>

- Aries 白羊 (Mar. 21- April 20) Yours is the most impatient sign of all, Aries, so naturally, what irritates you most is waiting. Period. You want to be the first one in, the first one out, and at the very head of the pack in the left hand...详情>>

- Taurus 金牛 (Apr. 21 - May 21) Unlike your Aries and Gemini neighbors, you, Taurus, cant stand rushing. You believe in measuring twice (at least) and cutting once, in thinking before you act, and in choosing your words and actions as care...详情>>

- Scorpio 天蝎(Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Your sign is famous for its love of depth, intensity, and digging below the surface. 蝎子以感情丰富、心思细密、洞察力强而闻名。 So what makes you crazier than anything is meeting up wit...详情>>

- 1.Divines punishments, though slow, are always sure. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 2.An act is not a crime unless the law says it is one. 法无明文规定者不为罪。 3.This contract is made of one original and two duplicate origi...详情>>

- Shakespeare Insult 1 The Two Gentlemen of Verona Thou subtle, perjurd, false, disloyal man! 你这个狡猾、出尔反尔、虚伪又不忠的男人!《皆大欢喜》 Shakespeare Insult 2 As You Like It Thou art like a toad; ugly and ven...详情>>

- 等明天,等下次,等我有时间忙忙碌碌,不禁想问问时间都去哪儿了?正在忙着的你,怎样告诉人家你没时间? 快来看看英文里没空怎么说吧! 1. You see Im in the middle of something. 你看,我...详情>>

- 在美国生活的宝宝,听说小姨要来家里玩,他就开始张罗了:提前把自己的房间收拾布置了一番,还做了个写着welcome to my bedroom的手工小卡片,卡片底下藏着一小包巧克力,放在架子上...详情>>

- My dear friends, For close to fifteen years, weve been a part of each others lives. As a tennis player representing China on the global stage, Ive trekked around the world playing hundreds of matches on the WTA tour, for Chinas Fed Cup team...详情>>

- 舞蹈可以让人身材曲线变得更美,大腿肌肉和手臂肌肉也更紧实,也是舒缓情绪的好方法。想要学习舞蹈的同学们先来看看都有哪些舞种吧。 街舞:street dance 民族舞:folk dance 芭蕾:...详情>>

- Twenty-four percent has cited the credibility deficit of the government as a main reason behind the lack of trust in Chinese society, according to a survey conducted by Peoples Tribune, a magazine of Peoples Daily. 人民日报旗下的人民论...详情>>

- 1.对某人有意思:have a crush on someone [注]crush做名词讲为迷恋,have a crush on someone表示对某人有很大的好感,很强烈的感情,也可以指暗恋 eg: I have a crush on you。 我特别喜欢你! 2.暗恋:...详情>>

- 1. Im calling from a public phone, so Ill call her again. 我现在是打公用电话,我会再打给她。 public phone是公用电话, pay phone也是(投币式)公用电话;而公用电话亭则是telephone booth. 2. Im not at home...详情>>

- His both hands and feet ache all over. (他两手两脚都很酸痛。) He has pain on the sole of his feet. (他脚底很痛。) There is a wart-like lump on the sole of right foot. (我右脚底有个像肉疣般的硬块。) His ankles l...详情>>
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