Where did the time go?
You know, I am in such a special position that I hardly have any free time. During this year's Spring Festival, there is a song called "Where Did the Time Go?" in China. For me, where does my personal time go? Of course it all goes to work.
对于一个有着13亿人口的大国而言,深化改革(deepen reform)并非易事。
习近平善于采用民间流行元素(popular element),真诚中不乏幽默感(sincere and humorous),言谈中一改领导人的神秘形象,坦诚自己的生活是“累并快乐着”(tired but joyful)。
2013年接受巴西记者采访时,他则说自己“偷得浮生半日闲”(snatch a little leisure from a busy life),只要有时间,就同家人在一起。 |