大家往往认为拒绝只针对自己,觉得招生办公室和你有深仇大恨,拒绝你的申请。事情远不止这样简单。像斯坦福这样的大学每学年就只录取5%的申请者,这一比例在各大著名学府中创历史新低。在过去几年,申请者数量急剧上涨,通常来说,基数大,录取率就低。大量申请、缩减预算、国内外学生名额配比、校友子女的特殊照顾,综合种种原因,你成功的几率本就不大。 It's very easy to take a rejection personally and to imagine that the admissions office had some vendetta against you and your application. It's not that simple. Universities like Stanford accepted only 5 percent of their applicants for the upcoming school year, a new low amongst the most prestigious schools. The number of applicants has increased dramatically the past few decades and a higher number of applications generally leads to the acceptance of a smaller percentage of the students who apply. Between the high number of applicants, budget cuts, in-state versus out-of state quotas and preferential treatment for alumni's children, the odds were literallyneverin your favor. |