在纸书时代,阅读是一件更孤独的事。一本实体书一次只能由一个人默默地读完。读完以后,合上书页,一个人享受寂静。没有聊天窗口和提示弹出,纷扰我们内心的思考。 With print, reading is a more solitary pursuit. A physical book is a solitary experience that can only be enjoyed by one person at a time. When we finish a book, we close the cover and are left in peace. No chat windows or alerts attempt to distract us from our internal thinking processes. 但Kindle、iPad等各类平板电脑和电子阅读器让阅读变得更社交。许多设备为电子书阅读提供了社交功能或应用,读书的同时你可以评注、分享或讨论。这为寻找圈子提供了便利,但却挤压了独立思考的空间。 Thanks to Kindle, iPad and other tablets and e-readers, reading now becomes more social. Many devices offer social features or apps that allow us to annotate, share and discuss with people at the same time we read e-books. It's a good way to find circles, but it also give readers few opportunities of independent thinking. |