塔夫斯大学教授玛莉安•沃夫哀叹"深度阅读"丢失。电子阅读器使得长篇阅读易受同时进行的多个任务干扰。用iPad读书,这种形式注定了阅读要分心。英语教授称,当今学生都读不下去长篇大论的19世纪小说,或者根本不愿去读。 Tufts University child development professor Maryanne Wolf laments the loss of what she calls "deep reading." E-readers is making long-form reading become subject to the same multitasking options. Read a book on an iPad and the distractions are embedded in the physical form itself. English professors report that today's students are unable or unwilling to read lengthy 19th-century novels. 许多新研究还强调,不但是电子设备使人们对纸书的专注力下降,而且人们在对着电子屏幕时首先自己就不那么用心。很多人就潜意识中就认为在平板上读书不如读纸书更严肃。圣何塞州立大学的一项研究得出结论称,与读纸书相比,读电子书时人们更喜欢走捷径,他们将更多时间花在浏览和搜寻关键词上,而且他们更可能把文章只读一遍。 An emerging collection of studies emphasizes that in addition to screens possibly taxing people's attention more than paper, people do not always bring as much mental effort to screens in the first place. Subconsciously, many people may think of reading on a computer or tablet as a less serious affair than reading on paper. A study from San Jose State University concluded that people reading on screens take a lot of shortcuts - they spend more time browsing, scanning and hunting for keywords compared with people reading on paper, and are more likely to read a document once, and only once. |