纸版没有穷途末路。数据显示,电子书销量今年第一季度仅增长了5%,与前几年相比,增速大大降低。发行量流向数字版本不可避免,但若将纸版想象成一只超重的野兽,发行量的减少即意味着甩掉赘肉。瘦身以后,纸版将更洗练、更明晰、也更耐看。当读者向数字版转移后,纸质出版物将会越来越具有价值。 Print is not dying. Data shows sales of e-books rose just 5% in the year ending in the first quarter of 2013, a big slip in growth compared with years before. A circulation flow toward digital edition is inevitable, but think of print like an overweight beast, and the circulation decrease as shedding excess weight. The result is a leaner, more defined, more beautiful creature. What we buy in print will be increasingly valuable as readers shift to the digital realm. 信息类的很多纸质出版物将变得非常次要,它们太慢太笨重。主要报刊杂志及大多数批量生产的书都将出现越来越少的纸质版,但剩下的那部分将会保留纸质出版,而它们将扮演的角色是艺术品。 Print, for many types of information, will become far less important. It's too slow and too clunky. Major newspapers and magazines, and most mass-produced books will continue to see diminishing print runs, but the rest will survive to play the role of art. |