双语:电子书受到青睐 在图书市场方面,尽管纸质书拥趸众多,廉价便利的电子书正在逐渐占据市场。 As regard to the book market, although printed books have many die-hard fans, the e-book is gradually gaining market share with its convenience and bargain price. 美国出版协会的一份报告称,2011年,美国电子书销量暴增252%,2012年继续增长27%。去年,电子书阅读器和平板的持有率也从18%增至33%。电子书销售目前占据美国图书市场1/4的份额。 A report from the Association of American Publishers says sales of e-books jumped a whopping 252% in 2011 and grew 27% in 2012 in the US. Those owning an e-book device or tablet jumped from 18% to 33% last year. E-books now represent 25% of total book sales in the US. 据普华永道公司预计,电子书的销售额将在2017年超过纸质书达到82亿美元,而纸质书的销售额在这几年中将减少一半以上。 PwC estimates that trade e-books will drive $8.2b in sales by 2017 - surpassing projected print book sales, which it thinks will shrink by more than half during that period. |