剑桥大学塞尔文学院禁养狗,而院长却经过一番努力,得以将其爱犬以“大猫”的身份留下。 悠悠和她的主人罗杰·摩西(Roger Mosey)现住在剑桥大学塞尔文学院。 摩西说,这里“原则上”禁止养狗,但是可以养猫。 他还补充道,几十年前,这里的一位院长开了“养狗的先例”,所以学院现在只好“睁一只眼闭一只眼"地让悠悠以猫的名义存在”。 摩西曾是BBC(英国广播公司)的编务总监,自2013年10月起任剑桥大学塞尔文学院院长一职。 尽管知道学校有禁止养狗的制度,他还是在就职之后向校务委员会提出了在学校养狗的申请,“爱你的猫”——“历任院长有许多养过猫,但欧文·查德威克(Owen Chadwick)这位大师的确在上世纪50年代至70年代间在此养过狗。”摩西说。 摩西提出的申请得到了许可,但是校务委员会注明:“鉴于查德威克在任期间开了先例,校务委员会特此批准罗杰·摩西院长在院长宿舍收养一只体型较大的猫。” 摩西说,曾经有一段时间,他带着悠悠在外时,大家都委婉地对他说“嘿,我真喜欢你的大猫”。 悠悠是一只搜救犬。如今她还常常出现在学校印发的兽医学宣传资料及其它学校资料上。
摩西说:“学生们亲切地叫她‘学院狗’,我也非常希望她能成为塞尔文学院的一部分。” The master of a Cambridge University college that banned dogs from accommodation has been allowed to keep his canine companion after persuading officials it was "a very large cat". YoYo the bassett hound lives at Selwyn College with Roger Mosey. Mr Mosey said cats were allowed but dogs were "technically" banned. However, after a past master set a "dog-owning precedent" decades ago, the college "tongue-in-cheek agreed YoYo could stay as a large cat", he said. Mr Mosey, former editorial director of the BBC, became master of Selwyn College in October. After settling in he asked permission from the college council to have a dog, despite the rules. 'Love your cat' "Many former masters have kept cats but the greatest master, Professor Owen Chadwick, did keep dogs during the 1950s, 60s and 70s," he said. Permission was granted by the council, and duly noted in the minutes: "i. College Animal - Noting precedent under the mastership of Professor Chadwick, Council approved the Master's request to adopt a Very Large Cat in the Master's Lodge." For a while, Mr Mosey said, when he left the lodge with YoYo, he was greeted with calls of "hey, I love your big cat". YoYo, a rescue dog, has now featured in publicity material for a veterinary course and other college material. "Students call her 'the college dog' and I very much want her to become part of life at Selwyn," Mr Mosey said. |