7月22日是英国乔治小王子的周岁生日,为了庆祝这个特殊的日子,英国王室19日公布了小王子的首张“徒步旅行”照。 据称,徒步旅行是英国女王伊丽莎白二世于1970年出访海外时发明的,其目的是与粉丝进行更紧密的接触。此后,这一休闲方式逐渐流行开来、成为英国民众的最爱,同时也是英国王室活动的重要组成部分。 从照片中可以看到,虽然年纪轻轻,但乔治小王子已经得到曾祖母的“真传”、掌握了徒步旅行的精髓。这位英国王位第三顺位继承人身穿一条标志性的条纹牛仔背带裤、内搭海军蓝色POLO衫、脚蹬黑色圆头皮鞋,他挥舞双臂,右脚踏地、左脚微抬,走得十分稳健。更为难得的是,小王子的双眼含笑,他似乎很享受这次新尝试。 “这可是我们第一次看见乔治小王子独立行走!”英国《每日邮报》称,这张照片于月初拍摄,当时乔治小王子正随父母参观英国自然历史博物馆蝴蝶户外展览。 据随行摄影师约翰•史迪威介绍,参观蝴蝶展时,乔治小王子一直在练习独立行走。“他非常可爱、有自信,真是一个坚定的小男孩。他出生时、受洗时,都是我拍摄的照片,现在感觉他在短短几个月里突然长大了,从一个婴孩变成幼童,这是最大的变化。至于他长得像谁?答案当然是威廉王子。” 有英国媒体称,乔治小王子可以独立行走这件事具有里程碑式的意义,“乔治小王子一岁学会走路,比大部分孩子要早,这标志着他迈入了成长历程中一个新的重要阶段”。
据悉,凯特王妃的父母已在他们位于伯克郡的豪宅里为外孙举办了一场以“彼得兔”为主题的生日派对。7月22日生日当天,威廉王子夫妇还将在肯辛顿宫举办一场亲友聚会,为乔治小王子庆祝周岁生日。“他们夫妇二人喜欢低调行事,凯特王妃负责组织这场特殊的茶话会,她还会亲自烘焙小王子的生日蛋糕。” Invented by the Queen on an overseas tour in 1970 to ensure she was seen by her fans, it’s been an essential part of the Royal repertoire ever since. And now, in a portrait released to mark his first birthday on Tuesday, the third in line to the throne has shown he’s learned an early lesson from his great grandmother. Easy does it: George puts his best foot forward and shows why he's ready to continue a key Royal tradition. Like her, he’s delighting his audience with a trademark outfit, sensible shoes and a twinkle in his eye. But what’s all his own work is the newly-mastered art of walking – this is the first time we have seen George standing on his own two feet. The delightful shot was captured on a family outing to the Natural History Museum’s Sensational Butterflies Exhibition in London. The Duchess of Cambridge, who became a patron of the museum last year, took her husband and son to see it earlier this month. Press Association Royal photographer John Stillwell was there to record the day and his lens found George practising his walking unaided. The last time the Prince was seen in public, at a Father’s Day polo match in June, he still needed his mother’s hand to help him keep his balance. But here, to his obvious delight, he has reached another significant milestone. Although some babies walk as early as nine months, others can be twice that age, making George’s achievement at around ten months remarkable. George enjoyed an early birthday celebration at the Berkshire home of his grandparents, Michael and Carole Middleton who, with the help of his Auntie Pippa, organised a Peter Rabbit-themed party with guests including Mia Tindall, Zara and Mike Tindall’s baby girl. But his main party will be a low-key affair at Kensington Palace on Tuesday with only his closest family – including the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall – and friends in attendance. One palace insider revealed: ‘This is a couple who do things quietly and below the radar. Kate is organising the special tea party and she will be the one baking the cake.’ |