比利Billy 中英文故事:回乡大兵(3) 史密斯转过头,匆忙离开了。过了一会儿,他又回过头,挥了挥帽子。两个战友也朝他挥挥帽子。然后,他们大步流星地走去,仍然迈着军人的步伐,又大又稳。史密斯边走边想战友们,想起战争时期他们在一起度过的漫长岁月。 他还想起了朋友比利•特里普。可怜的比利!那天,一枚炮弹从天而降,他的胸口被炸了一个大洞。 史密斯知道他不得不告诉比利的母亲和他年轻的妻子这个不幸的消息。可有什么可讲的?炮弹呼啸而来,比利惊叫一声,一头栽倒在地。 从那以后,每次打仗他都会想起比利死去时那令人恐惧的一幕。 Smith turned and walked away quickly. After a few minutes, he turned again and waved his cap. His two friends did the same. Then they marched away with their long steady soldier’s step. Smith walked for a while thinking of his friends. He remembered the many days they had been together during the war. He thought of his friend, Billy Tripp, too. Poor Billy! A bullet came out of the sky one day and tore a great hole in Billy's chest. Smith knew he would have to tell the sad story to Billy’s mother and young wife. But there was little to tell. The sound of a bullet cutting through the air. Billy crying out, then falling with his face in the dirt. The fighting he had done since then had not made him forget the horror of that moment when Billy died. 中英文例句 1. Nachee raised one hand to give billy a lazy high-five. 那奇举起一只手,懒散地和比利击了一下掌。 2. For example, billy and the boy who punched him at the bus stop had exchanged words and shoves a few days earlier. 比如说,billy和那个在公车站打他的孩子几天前就曾经互相对骂并且推搡了几下。 3. My name is billy. What's yours? 我的名字叫比利,你的名字呢? 4. Judging by school records, at least one official seems to think billy contributes to the trouble that swirls around him. 根据学校记录的说法,至少是一个管理人员的评价,他们认为billy自己造成了他身边的这些麻烦。 5. Its leaders, including established artists such as billy bragg and annie lennox, argue that file-sharing is a useful form of promotion. 包括billy bragg和annie lennox等成功的音乐人在内的该组织的领导者辨称,文件共享是一种推广的有效形式。 |