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儿童英语童话故事 贪婪的国王

时间:2015-02-04 08:43来源:搜狐教育 作者:编辑组 点击:
原标题:看故事学英语--点金术(双语) Once there was a king named Midas. He loved gold very much. 从前有个名叫迈达斯的国王,他非常喜欢金子。 He owned a beautiful garden .There were many flowers and trees
  Once there was a king named Midas. He loved gold very much.
  He owned a beautiful garden .There were many flowers and trees in it. He loved them. But he loved gold more than flowers and trees.
  Midas had a child , a lovely little girl. He loved her ,But he loved gold more than his child.
  Everyday, Midas went out for a walk. And in the garden, he always prayed to the God to give him more gold. The God decided to punish the greedy king and said to him:”OK, From them on, everything that you touch will become gold.”The king was very happy
  He picked one flower, but it turned to gold in the hand. He picked another and the same thing happened. All the flowers he touched turned to gold and they weren’t rich colors. The king was sad.
  Midas was hungry. He called a servant ,”Bring me some food.” The servant brought the food. As soon as the king touched the food, it changed into gold. He couldn’t eat the food. When Midas touched the water, it changed into the gold, too. ”If I can’t eat and drink ,I will die.”He was very unhappy
  Then his child came and she cried, ”Oh, Dad. I just came from my garden. Our beautiful flowers have changed into the same color. I don’t like them.” “Don’t cry, my child.” Said Midas. He held her in his arms and tried to comfort her. Immediately, the little girl turned to a golden statue
  Midas began to cry. He begged the God to take away the Golden Touch, ”I don’t want it. Give back my child. Give back my garden.” The God said, ”Go to the river and wash your hands, The water can wash away the Golden Touch.”
  Midas run into the river quickly and washed his hands. He put his hands on his child. She turned to the little pretty princess at once.
  Midas and his little girl ran into the garden. He changed the flowers back into the rich colors
  From then on, Midas wasn’t greedy any more. He knew that the happiness was the most important in the world.