鲨鱼shark[英][ʃɑ:k] [美][ʃɑrk] 中英文故事:佩里和鲨鱼(3) 佩里又开始返回岛上。原来他在岛上拾贝壳时,强劲的海浪已冲走了大半个沙礁。此时,在他和对岸之间除了海水和鲨鱼,别无他物。虽然佩里对鲨鱼不甚了解,但却是个游泳好手。他望着暗红的天和黑幽幽的岸发呆。自己是会游泳,可鲨鱼怎么办?它们晚上也发起攻击吗?他努力回想读过的关于鲨鱼的知识。鲨鱼是靠嗅觉觅食吗?如果是,就意味着它们任何时候都可能捕食,哪怕是夜晚。 佩里决定放弃游过去的想法。天太黑,而且,若要跟劲敌搏斗,就要先观察一下。他四处寻找那袋海贝,发现它就在几米开外,于是把它拖到一片干沙地上,在旁边坐了下来。 He began to walk back toward the island. While he had searched for shells on the island, the strong ocean waves had washed a large part of the sand reef away. There was nothing between him and the shore, but water and sharks. He did not know much about sharks, but he was a good swimmer. He looked at the shore, which was now almost black against the red sky. He could swim, but what about the sharks? Do they attack in the night? He tried to remember what he had read about sharks. Did sharks find their food by smelling it? If they did, it meant they looked for food at all times, even during the night. He decided not to swim to shore. It was too dark and he wanted to see the enemy if he was to fight it. He looked around for his bag of shells and found it a few meters away. He pulled the bag onto some dry sand,then sat down next to it. 中英文例句 1. Suddenly the shark released him. 突然鲨鱼放开了他。 2. Conserving threatened shark species might not be difficult. 保护濒危的鲨鱼物种或许并不困难。 3. Egyptian officials closed sharm el-sheikh's beaches and ordered a shark hunt. 埃及官方关闭了沙姆沙伊赫海滩,发布了一份捕鲨令。 4. Putrefied shark meat is a traditional icelandic dish. 腐熟的鲨鱼肉是冰岛人的传统菜。 5. On only one did she see a shark. 她只在其中的一块上看见过鲨鱼。 |