大海ocean[英]['əʊʃn] [美][ˈoʃən] 中英文故事:佩里和鲨鱼(2) 黄昏开始笼罩大海和沙滩,佩里匆忙往回赶。 突然,他一脚踏入水中。还没弄清是怎么回事,他已经开始下沉。他越陷越深,水已经没顶。他使劲挣扎着浮出水面,力图回到沙礁上去,但却感到海水在他周围翻旋。最后,他终于爬上沙礁,浑身湿漉漉地坐在那里。奇怪,刚才怎会突然落水?此时 他仍能听到海水的冲击声。突然他看到了一头长长的灰色鲨鱼。他赶快起身,向四周张望,发现那头鲨鱼正在向岸边游来。随后,更多的鲨鱼游来,五头、六头、七头!沙礁哪儿去了?到底发生了什么事? The grey colors of evening were beginning to spread across the ocean and the sand. He hurried on, then suddenly, he stepped into the water. Before he knew what had happened, he dropped down and down. The water was covering his head. He rose to the top of the water struggling to get back on to the dry sand. He felt the water rushing about him. Somehow, he got on to the sand and sat down wet and surprised at his sudden drop. He heard the water still rushing about. Then, he saw a long grey shark. He stood up and looked around. He saw the shark swim toward the shore. And then, he saw other sharks, five, six, seven of them, but where was the sand reef? What had happened to it? 中英文例句 1. Will the ocean produce less oxygen? 海洋会排放出更少的氧气么? 2. Ocean east to america's west. 海洋的东部挨着美国的西部。 3. Only the us navy operates such large vessels in the indian ocean. 只有美国海军在印度洋中运行这样的大型船只。 4. China has three warships patrolling the gulf of aden and indian ocean. 目前中国有三艘军舰在亚丁湾和印度洋执行巡逻及护航任务。 5. Artificial auroras lit up the night across swathes of ocean. 人工造成的极光照亮了大洋上广阔的夜空。 |