香槟champagne[英][ʃæm'peɪn] [美][ʃæmˈpen] 中英文故事:坏学生保罗(16) 保罗的好日子过得没有一丝阴影。他尽量把每一天都安排得很完美。但在他到达纽约的第八天,他读到了关于他罪行的新闻报道。报道说他父亲已经赔付了保罗偷盗的5000美 金,还说有人在纽约的一家酒店看到过保罗,保罗的父亲已经来到纽约,正在寻找保罗,要把他带回匹兹堡。 保罗的膝盖一下子软了。他双手抱着头,坐在椅子上。美梦结束了。他必须回到考德里亚街,回到满是发黄糊墙纸的卧室,回到烧好的卷心菜的味道之中,回到上班时拥挤的公共汽车里。 保罗给自己斟了杯香槟,一饮而尽,又斟了一杯,又一饮而尽。 Paul’s golden days went by without a shadow. He made each one as perfect as he could. On the eighth day after his arrival in New York, he found a report in the news-paper about his crime. It said that his father had paid the company the 5000 dollars that Paul had stolen. It said Paul had been seen in a New York hotel. And it said Paul's father was in New York. He was looking for Paul to bring him back to Pittsburgh. Paul’s knees became weak. He sat down in a chair and put his head in his hands. The dream was ended. He had to go back to Cordelia Street. Back to the yellow-pa-pered bedroom, the smell of cooked cabbage, the daily ride to work on the crowded street cars. Paul poured himself a glass of champagne and drank it quickly. He poured another glass and drank that one, too. 中英文例句 1. The future is not all champagne and roses, however. 但是,未来的道路上也不全是香槟和玫瑰。 2. Originally the noe bags carried 5 bottles of champagne. 原先诺埃袋可以装5瓶香槟。 3. Champagne is one of the world's unique flavors. 香槟酒是世界上口味独特的饮料之一。 4. You had champagne for the girls. 你为这些女孩子要了香槟。 5. Maybe he had had too much champagne. 或许他喝了太多的香槟。 |