文化culture[英]['kʌltʃə(r)] [美][ˈkʌltʃɚ] 中英文故事:一件特别的舞裙(4) 她们曾在一起大笑不止,也曾争论不休,感觉其乐无穷。她们放下对彼此的戒心,就一个普遍存在的问题展开角逐与较量,这就是:妈妈的管束与女儿的反抗。作为一个白人女儿,艾米莉需要受到大妈良好的教育、严格的管束、精心的关爱与呵护。安妮大妈也得到了艾米莉的敬重与爱戴,并为此津津乐道。她们之间存在一条界线,这条界线一边是自我,另一边是他人;一边是黑人,另一边是白人;它也隔开了两种文化、两代人。起初她们小心谨慎,尔后就神不知鬼不觉地跨过了界限。她们好比两扇窗户,通过窗户透视了两个仿佛水火不容的世界。 They had laughed and argued, had fun, dropped their guard and grappled with those universal issues of motherly control and daughterly resistance. As her white daugh¬ter, Emily had needed to be taught, controlled, protected, loved and cared for, and Ma¬ma Annie had revelled in the affection and respect she'd gained from Emily. They had cautiously then seamlessly crossed boundaries: between self and other, between black and white, between cultures, between generations. They had been windows into each other’s seemingly incompatible worlds. 中英文例句 1. That culture made us different from everyone else. 这种文化让我们与众不同。 2. Foster an open, candid culture? 比如,培养开放坦诚的文化。 3. How do you summarize google's culture? 您如何总结谷歌的文化? 4. The starting point is a culture of human dendritic cells. 它的出发点是培养出一种人类树突状细胞。 5. The anasazi culture was stressed and erupted into warfare. 阿纳萨奇文明生存严峻,爆发了战争。 |