天亮daybreak[英]['deɪbreɪk] [美][ˈdeˌbrek] 中英文故事:一件特别的舞裙(2) 晚宴和舞会持续了一整夜,她和丈夫约瑟夫天亮才上床睡觉,睡觉以前她换上了这件舞裙。夫妇俩和孩子们共用一间卧室,孩子们早已进入了甜 蜜的梦乡。在这个温馨的房间,包围在安妮大妈、丈夫约瑟夫和孩子们爱的氛围中,艾米莉躺到了松软的床垫上。 她累得筋疲力尽,躺在床上半睡半醒,似睡非睡。台式扇发出"吱吱吱”的单调响声,从一侧摆到另一侧,几乎连蚊子都不能赶跑,扇的是阵阵沉闷的热风。最后,她终于沉沉地睡 去。可她只睡了几个小时就被孩子们的嬉戏声吵醒了。他们在外面欢快地玩耍,闹声喧天。一只狗跳上了灶台,被人踢了一脚,“汪汪汪”地叫着跑远了。 She’d changed into the dress after the all-night feasting and dancing before crawling into bed, at daybreak, with her husband. They were sharing a bedroom with their chil¬dren and, in that zone of comfort, she’d settled on the sagging mattress, wrapped up in the love of Mama Annie who had mothered her, the love of her husband Joseph, and of their children sleeping soundly. Exhausted, she'd drifted in and out of semi sleep, the pedestal fan cranking chunkily from side to side, barely keeping the mozzies at bay and only I just moving the stifling air around in torpid waves. Emventually though she’d slept soundly and surfaced a few short hours later to the sounds of happy kids playing noisily outside and a dog yelping as it was kicked away from the earth ovens. 中英文例句 1. Before daybreak they had already wiped out all the enemy troops. 在拂晓前他们已经将敌人全部歼灭。 2. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. 它的到来,结束了漫漫长夜,带来了欢乐的黎明。 3. It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom. 在破晓之前就起床是个好习惯,这样会对你的健康、财富和智慧都有好处。 4. By comparison getting a flat tire on the way to work or spraining your ankle playing basketball after work would still be much easier than eating a live frog at daybreak? 相比之下,上班路上轮胎破了或者下班后打篮球扭伤脚踝还是比凌晨活吞一只青蛙容易让人接受多了。 5. I know some who write through the night and others who get up early to work, before daybreak. 我知道有些人喜欢彻夜写作,而有些人则喜欢早起,在黎明前写作。 |