柠檬汁lemon juice[英][ˈlemən dʒu:s] [美][ˈlɛmən dʒus] 中英文故事:沙堤(5) 很快鲁斯提就成了我们中的一员,是唯一和我们同龄的女孩子。尽管一开始有些不自在,但很快她就和我,还有威尔逊兄弟和乔,一起探查石缝里大个的鲍鱼,还和我们在沙滩上摔跤。 在一个晴朗的晚上,苍穹中繁星点点,我们生起了篝火。傍晚时分,我们开始只是烧疯长在我们周围的灌木,现在几段原木也被扔了进去。我们被允许喝一杯。爸爸提到要卖掉海边的这块地方时,我心中一紧。我们这些夏季居民,散坐在周围,有的坐在破旧的宿营用的木凳上,有的坐在木桩上,还有几个坐在折叠椅上。架子上放着酒,盛着用黄油、大蒜和柠檬汁腌制过的鲍鱼丝的碗传了一圈。 She was part of our gang before long, the only girl our age. Apprehensive at first, Rusty was soon prying massive abalone from the rocks and wrestling on the beach with the Wilson twins, Jo and me. One clear night, the star-studded sky appears dome shaped and we have a bonfire. It begins late afternoon as a burn-off of overgrown scrub creeping around the small com¬munity and now a few logs are chucked on. We are allowed a stubbie and my stomach lurches as my Dad mentions selling up the coast block. Summer locals are strewn about on old camp stools, tree stumps and a few fold-up chairs with drink holders in use. Bowls of sliced abalone soaked in butter, garlic and lemon juice are passed around. 中英文例句 1. Lemon juice possesses antibacterial, antiviral and immune-building properties. 柠檬汁有着抗菌抗病毒和重建免疫系统的特性。 2. Does lemon juice really boost metabolism? 柠檬汁真的能够促进新陈代谢吗? 3. Add lemon juice and and honey. 向柠檬汁中调入蜂蜜。 4. Then she adds some lemon juice olive oil and a little salt. 然后她会用柠檬汁、橄榄油和一点点盐来调味。 5. I also love sprouted legumes with lemon juice, avocado and almonds. 我也爱吃就着柠檬汁、鳄梨和杏仁的发芽蔬菜。 |