香肠的英文及例句 香肠sausage[英][ˈsɒsɪdʒ] [美][ˈsɔsɪdʒ] 中英文故事:贝丝姨妈(1) 贝丝姨妈在12月份去世了,大家感到非常难过。尽管天很热,而这种热天又极易让妈妈感觉不舒服,我还是不敢相信妈妈竟让爸爸来安排葬礼。因为就我所知,涉及生死大事他只会搞得一团糟。而这次恰恰是一个葬礼。 贝丝姨妈至少100岁了。我长到12岁,她是我所认识的人中唯一一个没变模样的。大概人到了那个年龄,外表就停止了衰老,只有内部器官还在不停地萎缩吧。贝丝姨妈就是在吃早餐时被一块香肠给噎住了,再也没有缓过气儿来。 It’s a pity Aunt Bess died in December. Even with the weather so hot—the heat al¬ways makes Mum a bit funny—I still can’t believe she let Dad arrange the funeral. At least I know enough not to let Dad get messed up in matters of life and death. And this was a fair dinkum matter of death. Aunt Bess had to be at least a hundred.She’s the only person I know who hasn't changed in my whole twelve years. I guess when you’re that old,you stop aging on the outside, but your insides keep shrinking; you see, Aunt Bess died choking on a breakfast sausage. 中英文例句 1. Jimmy coughed and choked on a piece of sausage. 正吃着香肠的吉米听到这个消息被呛得连声咳嗽。 2. Thousands of muscle strips later: cruelty-free mouse sausage. 后来数以千计的平滑肌条被分离:人道的老鼠香肠。 3. In the odyssey homer unflatteringly compares odysseus to a fat sausage. 荷马人在《奥德赛》中曾比较隐晦的将奥德修斯比作胖香肠。 4. Traditional sausage is encased in the submucosa, the collagen layer of animal intestines. 传统的香肠是用动物肠道的胶原层,即黏膜下层制作的。 5. A man in the english town of reading evenlefta sausage casserole in a bus. 在英国阅读镇有个人竟把香肠砂锅菜漏在公车上。 |