LAW REQUIRES CAPTAIN TO STAY ON BOARD Several crew members, including the captain, left the ferry as it was sinking, witnesses have said, after passengers were told to stay in their cabins, even though it was time for breakfast. President Park Geun-hye said on Monday that instruction was tantamount to an "act of murder". "The charged crew members appear to have not carried out their duty to rescue the passengers at all," prosecutor Ahn Sang-don told a briefing. "Based on the fact that they were gathered in the bridge, engine room and so on, then left the boat, we believe negligent homicide is applicable." According to Article 10 of Seafarers' Act, a captain has to remain on board until all passengers have disembarked. A boy with a shaking voice gave the first distress call to the emergency services when the ferry listed. Most of those who survived made it out on deck and jumped into rescue boats, but many of the children did not leave their cabins, not questioning their elders as is customary in hierarchical Korean society. They paid for their obedience with their lives. Lee was not on the bridge when the ship turned. Navigation was in the hands of a 26-year old third mate who was in charge for the first time on that part of the journey, according to crew members. The wife of one crew member under investigation who did not wish to be identified quoted her husband as saying: "I should have died out there." "He told me that he was taking some rest as he had finished his shift. He fell from his bed and struggled to open the room door to get out. He said he didn't go to the steering house to meet up with rest of the crew. Rather he was found by coastguards and was rescued. "My husband didn't get along with other crewmen, but he told me that Captain Lee was someone comfortable and extremely calm. He said Captain Lee was like no other: he didn't drink much, although he did smoke." 法律要求船长留在船上 包括船长在内的几个船员,在船下沉时弃船而逃,有目击者说,虽然当时是吃早饭的时候,责任,”检察官 Ahn Sang-don 在发布会上说。”基于他们聚集在船桥上,发动机室里和其它地方,然后逃跑的事实,我们认为过失杀人是成立的。” 根据海员法第10条规定,船长必须在所有的乘客都上岸后才能离开船。 当客轮倾斜时,一个男孩用颤抖的声音给紧急服务中心打了第一个求救电话。 大多数幸存者是从甲板跳进救生艇,但许多孩子没有离开客舱,他们没有向长辈提出质疑,这是韩国等级社会里常见的情况。他们为了顺从而付出了生命的代价。 船翻的时候,Lee不在船桥上。根据船员所说,该客轮当时是由一个26岁的三副来驾驶的,这是她在此次航程中首次掌舵。 调查者中,一个不愿透露姓名的船员妻子引述她的丈夫话说:“我应该死在那里。” “他告诉我,交接班后,那时他正在休息。他从床上滚下来,挣扎着打开房间的门后逃出。他说他没有去驾驶室与其它船员碰面。最后岸警卫队发现了他,他因此而获救。 “我的丈夫与其他船员并不和睦,但他告诉我李船长是个平易近人、沉着冷静的人。他说李船长和其他人不一样:虽然他也抽烟,但他喝酒不多。” |