舌头tongue[英][tʌŋ] [美][tʌŋ] 中英文故事:消磨时光(1) 凌晨3点,我被一阵电闪雷鸣惊醒了。我怕孩子们因为害怕打雷而尖叫出来,就躺在床上守候着。这时,有一个词儿不知从哪儿蹦进我的脑海——消磨时光。 我认为这是一个很好的词儿,它从我舌尖滑落,脱口而出,简直令小学二年级学生也要窃笑。我认为这个词语一直受到非议。我决定问问其他人,看看他们听到这个词儿时,心里 是怎么想的。我去问朋友梅格。梅格对凌晨3点冒出古怪想法的事儿并不陌生。在她看来,这种意识流似乎一点也不值得大惊小怪。她告诉我,对她来说,消磨时光真是一种消极行为:没有生活目标,懒懒散散,就好比是伸长了舌头去吞咽食物!唉,对此她是持否定态度的! It’s three a. m. I am awakened my children to scream in fear. Out ging. I decide it is a great word. It rolls off my tongue like something that makes second graders snicker. I think that this word has been given a bad rap.I decide to investigate what others think of when they hear this word. I ask my friend Meg. Meg is no stranger to the three am funky thought thing. She doesn't seem to find this stream of consciousness disturbing in the least. She tells me that to her lolly-gagging is, indeed, negative. Lazy, without pur¬pose, and gulp, with your tongue hanging out! Whew—negative vibes there! 中英文例句 1. She's got her tongue in his ear. 她都把舌头伸进他耳朵里了。 2. A tongue that is not spoken will shrivel into extinction. 一种不被使用的语言会逐步走向灭绝。 3. They can develop native-sounding accents in each tongue. 他们能够习得每一种语言地道的发音。 4. Tongue piercings can damage teeth over time. 而舌头的穿刺一段时间后可能会损害牙齿。 5. This fish has teeth on its tongue. 这种鱼的牙齿在舌头上。 |