快乐joy[英][dʒɔɪ] [美][dʒɔɪ] 中英文对照:快乐还是幸福(1) 人们经常认为快乐即幸福,幸福即快乐,而事实上,两者有所不同。幸福是我们购一辆新车,或工作晋升时内心唤起的一种情感,它取决于满足我们内心愿望的外部因素。快乐是一种发自内心的情感:对自然、自由和人际关系诸如此类的生活要素心存感激之情时,快乐油然而生;追求超越自我、更崇高的信仰时,我们也会感到由衷的快乐。 幸福和快乐因此不同,不过这并不说明孰优孰劣,它们只是不同而已。因条件好而感觉幸福是合情合理的。然而,我们并不能始终依赖外部因素,那也不切实际。幸福是学不来的,它是一种下意识获得的情感。而快乐是可以主宰我们日常生活的一种情绪。我们必须一步步教自己快乐起来,这和健身过程极其类似。 Joy and happiness are often understood to be the same thing, but, in fact, they're very different. Happiness is an emotion that is aroused in us when we buy a new car or get a promotion at work. It’s dependent on our circumstances occurring in accordance with our desires. Joy is an emotion that occurs within us when we develop an apprecia¬tion or thankfulness for the constants of life, such as nature, freedom, relationships with people, or through having faith in something larger than ourselves. Discovering the difference between happiness and joy is not about seeing one as better than the other, but instead, realizing they’re just different. Being happy as a result of good circumstances taking place is natural ; however, we can’t rely on having good circumstances all the time. It’s not realistic. Happiness is not an emotion that we learn ; we automatically get it. Joy, on the other hand, is an emotion that can predominantly rule our daily lives. We must develop and teach ourselves joy, much like the process of getting physically fit. 中英文例句 1. You can also posit strength and joy, or you negate abuse and addiction. 你也可以喜欢力量和欢乐,或者你否定不良的习惯。 2. And my joy was quickly overshadowed. 我的喜悦蒙上了阴影。 3. You are peaceand joy and light. 你就是和平、喜悦和光明。 4. Joy swung high in the air and gleamed back. 喜悦扭亏为盈高空气中闪烁回来。 5. It is associated with joy sunshine and the tropics. 它与喜悦、阳光和热带联系在一起。 |