老虎tiger[英]['taɪɡə(r)] [美][ˈtaɪɡɚ] 中英文故事:老师与老虎(3) 其间,老虎近在咫尺,就要扑向他们。学生吓得发起抖来。他感到惊异:危急关头,老师平静沉着,心无杂念。 此刻,老师依然毫无惧色,继续冥思。过了一小会儿,老虎慢慢低下头,垂下尾巴,离开了。 学生惊讶地问老师:“你刚才做了什么?” “我什么也没做。我只是心无杂念,把我和老虎的灵魂合二为一。我们的心灵归于平和,老虎也感受到了内心的平静、安宁与和谐,它意识到没有威胁,也没有必要表现暴力,就走开了 老师总结说:“心宁气静时,安宁的心境会自动传递给周围万事万物,并深深地感化身边的一切。” Meanwhile the student started to shiver with fear, as the tiger was already quite close, ready to make a leap at them. He was amazed at how his teacher could stay so calm and detached in the face of danger, meditate without fear. After a little while, the ti¬ger gradually lowered its head and tail and went away. The student asked his teacher in astonishment, “What did you do?” “Nothing. I just cleared all thoughts from my mind and united myself in spirit with the tiger. We became united in peace on the spiritual level. The tiger sensed the inner calm¬ness, peace, and unity and felt no threat or need to express violence, and so walked away. ” “When the mind is silent and calm, its peace is automatically transmitted to every¬thing and everyone around, influencing them deeply.”concluded the teacher. 中英文例句 1. The rare sumatran tiger, above. 上图是稀有的苏门答腊虎。 2. Was the celtic tiger all an illusion? 凯尔特虎是一种全然的幻觉? 3. What impact might tiger mothering have? 虎妈的教养方式会产生什么样的影响? 4. The implacable logic ofthe tiger. 老虎的与生俱来的逻辑。 5. Some can again hear the tiger's growl. 一些国家再次听到了老虎的咆哮。 |