高速路highway[英]['haɪweɪ] [美][ˈhaɪˌwe] 中英文故事:小鸡快跑(1) 假如把度假旅行当作“普通日子”来看待的话,这一天的开始也是个普通日子。这是 1966年的除夕,高速路上已经没有人了,卡罗尔和大卫面前依稀映现出无垠海洋般的幻影。正午时分的温度突升到了 401,十分闷热。他们发觉身体似乎和座位粘在一起了。去南澳大利亚旅行是全新的体验。旅途一直都是寂寞的朝圣——好几个小时了,他们还没有遇到其他车辆。沿途景色一成不变,单调乏味,似乎世界的这一角落已为人们所遗弃。 The day had started out like any other, if you can call holiday travelling “any other day”. It was New Year’s Eve 1966,the highway was deserted, and the shimmering mi¬rage hung before them like an infinite sea. By midday the temperature had soared to a sweltering 401,and Carole and David were conscious of their bodies welding to their seats. This trip to South Australia was a new experience. The drive had been a lonesome pilgrimage一they hadn't passed another vehicle for hours and the landscape was flat, colourless and boring. It seemed this part of the world was deserted. 中英文例句 1. This highway extends through the taklamakan desert from north to south. 这条公路从北到南穿过塔克拉玛干大沙漠。 2. He has run off onto a nearby highway. 他已经逃掉了,上了一条临近的公路。 3. This highway spanned further to greeley, colorado in 1931. 1931年,这条公路进一步延伸至科罗拉多州格里利。 4. The bomber targeted the bus on the main highway to the airport. 爆炸手在通往机场的主要公路上袭击这辆面包车。 5. Susan and ned were driving through a wooded empty section of highway. 苏珊和内德的车正行至一段树木繁茂的公路段。 |