安迪一副泰然自若的样子。如果你骑着一辆破旧的脚踏车四处奔波,上面挂满了塑料袋,袋里塞满你的日常生活用品;车头的篮子里蜷着纳吉特,车尾的篮子里装着一包衣物;头盔上插着一根羽毛;身穿脱了线的短裤和T恤,正式场合还要配一条领带;脚蹬老式凉鞋和鲜亮的蓝色橄榄球袜。在这种状态下仍然能保持泰然自若,那可不是件简单的事。 Andy carried an air of dignity. Not an easy thing to do if you cycled around on an ancient push-bike festooned with plastic bags full of your worldly possessions; carry bas¬ket at the front containing Nugget in a harness; another at the back for swag; bike heh met decorated with a single feather; thread-bare shorts and T-shirt, often worn with a tie (for more formal occasions) ; vintage sandals and bright blue football socks, if footwear was required. |