安迪经常自言自语,而且谈话和蔼可亲,狗儿再熟悉不过了 :这就像大海的声音一样已成了狗儿生活的一部分。纳吉特并不介意他们的对话中常常出现那些只有安迪才能看到和听到的亲朋好友的名字。有时,这种谈话声音很大,就像烧烤棚里正在举行派对,过路人发现那儿只有安迪和纳吉特,常常会感到很吃惊。 Andy’s constant dialogue was comforting and familiar: as much a part of the dog’s life as the sound of the sea. Nugget didn’t mind that their conversations often included folk that only Andy could see and hear. Sometimes it was like a party going on in their BBQ shelter, and passers-by often looked surprised to discover Andy and Nugget were the only ones there. |