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时间:2014-04-30 13:04来源:英蕊少儿英语网 作者:编辑组 点击:
村民villager[英][ˈvɪlɪdʒə(r)] [美][ˈvɪlədʒɚ] 中英文故事:村民与幸福(3) 这可需要做很多事啊!要养成良好的习惯,还要提高集中和控制自己思维的能力。这些事既困难也没有止境,
村民villager[英][ˈvɪlɪdʒə(r)] [美][ˈvɪlədʒɚ]


“不要去想困难。一想困难,你就会为自己的所见所闻而困扰。只要让感情和思绪平静下来,保持平和的心态,所有的潜能和力量就会自发唤起,不用刻意去做。潜能和力量是你心 灵宁静附带的结果。努力保持平静,不要让自己为愁思左右。”
"还要留神你的想法是如何出现和消失的。一旦心静了下来,就该保持下去。起初保持心静的时间短暂,但最终将会延长。这种心静也是一种力量、能力和仁爱。一旦意识到你具有 这种万能的力量,你就开始从不同的角度来行事,就开始摆脱自私、狭隘和自我的局限。”

“But a lot of work is necessa¬ry. Good habits have to be devel¬oped. The ability to concentrate and to control the thoughts has to be strengthened. The work is diffi¬cult and endless. There are many walls that need to be climbed, lamented the villager.
“Do not think about the difficulties, otherwise that what you will see and experience. Just quieten your feelings and thoughts and try to stay in this peace. All the abilities and powers awaken spontaneously. You do not work on them directly. They are by-products of your peace of mind. Just try to be calm and do not let yourself be carried away by your thoughts.”
“Is that all?” asked the villager.
“Try to watch your thoughts and see how they come and go. Stay in the quietness that arises. The moments of peace will be brief at first, but in time they will get longer. This peace is also strength, power, kindness, and love. When you realize that you are one with the Universal Power, you begin to act from a different dimension, not from the selfish, small, limited ego.”


1. He begged the villager not to go to beijing.

2. Four men a villager told me were taken to the hospital in mpika for treatment after the raid.

3. Laban talam, a 30-year-old villager, has a smile on his face.

4. In the spring of 1887 a lebanese villager named mohammed sherif discovered a well near sidon that led to two underground chambers.

5. Through the eyes of a villager looking out from the light of a very distant house, they could have been a family.
