岩石rock[英][rɒk] [美][rɑk] 中英文故事:魂归故里(2) “我知道那块岩石。”我说。开车到那里大约需要半个钟头。 “上车吧,我带你回家。”我通常不会主动让外人搭车的,但不知道这次为什么会让这个陌生人上车。 “谢谢你,先生。” 她赤着双脚,脚上有伤。她小心翼翼地抬起脚,上车坐到了我身边,慢慢地把身子倚到椅背上,双手放在大腿上。 她这个姿势让我想到了修女,于是,我把车开上公路时问道: “上学了吗?” “上了,先生。” “在哪里上的?” “I know the rock,” I said. It was about half hour's drive. “Get in, I’ll take you home.” I didn’t usually offer lifts and don’t know why I did this time. “Thank you, mister.” Gingerly lifting her sore, bare feet she sat next to me, slowly sank into the back¬rest and put her hands together in her lap. The posture reminded me of nuns so as we rejoined the road I spoke. “Have you been in school?” “Yes, mister.” “Where?” 中英文例句 1. Fossils usually come embedded in rock. 化石通常是嵌在岩石块中。 2. It was standing on a rock. 蜡烛被搁在了一块岩石之上。 3. Topaz occurs in the igneous rock rhyolite. 黄晶通常产于火成岩岩石纹。 4. Igneous rock forms when magma cools and solidifies. 当岩浆冷却、凝固,岩浆岩就形成了。 5. A conventional volcanic rock contains no argon right after it solidifies. 常见的火山岩在凝固的时候不含有氩元素。 |