保龄球bowling[英]['bəʊlɪŋ] [美][ˈbolɪŋ] 中英文对照:职场(1) 对于克里斯蒂来说,社交活动几乎是她日常工作的全部。这种活动可以是观看体育项目,打保龄球,或与想表达谢意的客户共进晚餐。从她参加过的几次公司招聘活动来看,社交活动同样也是公司招聘中不可缺少的一个环节。 社交活动除了能让我们享受片刻没有工作压力的轻松之外,还是一种在工作之余加深同事之间感情的有效方式。肯是毕马威公司的一位高级经理,他经常参加一些培训活动。他发现培训课堂外的社交活动能让大家进一步交流和沟通,对培训课本身也大有好处。 This is just one occasion when socializing was all in a day’s work for Kristi. It could be a sporting event, bowling or dinner with clients who want to say “Thank you”. Sociali¬zing is also an integral part of some of the recruiting events in which she has participa¬ted. Apart from providing a welcome break from work pressures,socializing is an effective way to bond with co-workers in a setting outside work. Ken, a senior manager at KPMG, often participates in training ses¬sions. He finds that social interactions outside the classroom have benefits in the classroom as well be¬cause they allow for greater communication. 中英文例句 1. In bowling I would have been very happy to be number 15 so long as someone else was number 16. 在保龄球方面,只要有人当第16名,我还是很乐意当第15名的。 2. From the road, it looks like a bowling alley, but from the parking lot you can tell that it's not. 从公路上看,它像是一个保龄球馆,但在停车场时能明显看出,它不是。 3. It guided me on two routes between silicon valley and a bowling alley in san francisco's presidio area, where I had once been lost. 它给我指了从硅谷到旧金山presidio地区一个保龄球馆的两条线路,我以前去那里曾经走丢过。 4. Places like this bowling alley are new to afghanistan, as is the idea of women playing sports with men, even their brothers, in public. 像保龄球馆这样的地方对阿富汗人来说是新鲜事物,因为这里妇女在公共场合与男人们同场竞技,即使是她们的兄弟。 5. Like bowling with the rails out over the gutters! You can't go wrong. 就像铺了轨道后打保龄球,你绝对不会弄错。 |