站起来stands up 中英文故事:士兵和妇人(7) 士兵蹲在泥地里,看着她用搪瓷罐从河里打水,又开始揉面。不知怎的,他想起了自己的母亲。母亲总是打扮得很讲究,穿着高跟鞋,涂着口红。他从未见过母亲烤蛋糕,更不用说是做面包了。母亲和这位老妇人年龄相仿。 她拨了拨火,把大块的麵排在火灰中,以便供烤,然后站起来说:“你看着火。”便离开了。 The soldier squats in the mud and watches her carry water from the river in a billy¬can. Then she sets to, kneading and punching. For some strange reason he thinks of his mother. Smartly dressed, always in high heels and lipstick. He’s never seen her bake a cake, let alone bread. She’s probably the same age as this woman. She rakes the fire and sits the loaves among the ashes. Then she stands up, “You watch fire. ” She wanders off with her fishing reel. 中英文例句 1. He stands up gruffly and leaves without a word. 他粗声粗气地站起来,没有留下一个字。 2. Well no one ever stands up to him! 嘿!没人站他那边的! 3. Everybody stands up when the judge enters the count. 法官进入法庭时所有人都起立。 4. Neither claim stands up to rigorous examination. 但这两种说法都经不起仔细推敲。 5. Before I can ask this, she stands up. 没等我问这些,玛塔伊站起身来。 |