树枝wood[英][wʊd] [美][wʊd] 中英文故事:士兵和妇人(5) 他们继续赶路,士兵盯着那微亮的地平线,他已经忘记了时间。他的手表不再起任何作用,因为他们在另外一个时区里旅行。可能是过了几分钟,也可能是过了几个小时,最后他们来到一条小河边。 老妇人飞快地从车后门下来,对士兵喊道:“这里有很多小艇。” 士兵跟在老妇人后面,脚趾踩在泥巴里嘎吱作响。老妇人在河岸上蹲下身子,说:“你去弄些树枝来,我们生火。”这时候,老人和儿子已经消失得无影无踪了。 The journey continues and, as he fixes his eyes on the shimmering horizon, he loses track of time. No point in referring to his watch any more. They’re traveling in a different time zone. It could be minutes or hours before they finally arrive at the river. The old lady is out of the back door in a flash. “Plenty barra here,” she calls to the soldier. He follows her down the track with mud squelching between his toes. She squats at the riverbank. “You get wood and we make fire,” she orders. Father and son are all-TO ready out of sight. 中英文例句 1. Reclaimed wood proves right on so many accounts. 改造好的木头在很多方面都证实了价值。 2. Why would canada ship wood all the way to europe? 为什么加拿大会一直把木材出口到欧洲呢? 3. Residents depended on regular deliveries of food and fire wood. 居民依靠定期的运送食物和烧火的木材。 4. Wood ranks among the port's top 10 exports. 木材是该港口排名前十位的出口物资之一。 5. Alien species often arrive with unprocessed wood. 外来物种常常借助未加工的木材入境。 |