相貌face[英][feɪs] [美][fes] 中英文故事:我的鼻子(6) 我仍然对自己的相貌感到不满,但是没有像从前那么强烈了。3年前,我对鼻子的态度产生了巨变。当时,我正坐在公寓里,陷入一种自我厌恶的忧郁中。我站起身来,看着镜子, 自言自语地嘲弄自己:"看,你长得多搞笑。”我想象着自己的新面庞,想做整容手术的愿望已经强烈到了极点……但有一个念头突然让我惊醒了:我要是换了一张脸,那些爱我的人会怎么看我呢?鲍勃看到我的时候,他会怎么想?他会不会怀念我现在这个样子? I still struggled with my feelings about my face, but it got less frequent. And the epiphany in my relationship with my nose finally happened about three years ago. I was sitting in our apartment, caught in a trap of self hate, getting up to look in the mirror to punish myself with “See? You look ridiculous”. I was on the cusp of a decision to look in¬to plastic surgery, contemplating my new face... when it hit me with something like shock: What would my having a different face mean to the people that love me? When Bob looked at me,what would he see? Would he miss the me I am now? 中英文例句 1. Does it face any constraint? 它面临任何限制吗? 2. We face prejudice from men. 我们面临来自男性的偏见。 3. Central bankers face difficult decisions. 中央银行面对诸多困难的抉择。 4. Spread over the face and around the eyes. 在面部和眼睛周围均与涂抹。 5. Moss put a face to that generation. 莫斯给了新的一代一张面孔。 |