教练instructor[英][ɪnˈstrʌktə(r)] [美][ɪnˈstrʌktɚ] 中英文故事:瑜伽学生(7) "请别摔门。"教练用镇定而冰冷的语气说。“我知道。”我想发火,却克制住了自己,只是点了点头,庆幸昏暗的光线遮掩住了我羞红的面颊。 10分钟后,我觉得好些了,突然意识到课已经上了一大半。我怎么返回教室,去承受更大的耻辱呢?我做不到。因此我只好光着脚,坐在大厅里,面对我作为瑜伽退学生的命运。我等啊等,等待20分钟后丈夫来接我,等着教室门打开,这样我就能偷偷地溜进去,拿走我的鞋子和皮包,或许还能卷起教室后面借来的垫子,我还没怎么用过那张垫子呢。 教室门终于打开了。我悄悄地从那些学生穿过,一下子就发现教练正在卷起我的垫子。我避免与她目光接触,抓起我的东西,迅速逃出教室。我远远地站在大楼门外,等待我的丈夫。 “Please don’t slam the door,” the instructor said in her cool, tranquilized voice. “I know,” I wanted to snap, but instead I nodded, grateful that the dimness disguised the redness in my cheeks. Ten minutes later, and feeling somewhat better, I realized that the class was more than half over. How could I possibly go back in and risk even greater humiliation? Icouldn’t do it. So that is why I am sitting barefoot in the lobby, facing my fate as a yoga dropout. And I wait. I wait for my husband who is meeting me here in 20 minutes, and I wait for the door of the classroom to open so I can surreptitiously slip in, grab my shoes and purse,and maybe even roll up my borrowed mat that lays unused in the back of the room. Eventually the classroom door opens. I slip past the exiting students and immediate¬ly see the instructor rolling up my mat. Avoiding eye contact, I grab my belongings, duck out, and go outside, away from the front door of the building, to wait for my hus¬band. 中英文例句 1. Tiffany is a yoga instructor. 蒂凡尼则是个瑜伽教练。 2. Qi sun, a harvard medical instructor, looked at nearly 14000 women who had survived to age 70. 哈佛大学医学讲师孙启(音)研究了近14000名寿命超过70岁的女性。 3. Jim smith is now a retired nypd officer, but on the morning of 9/ 11 he was an instructor of law at the police academy. 吉姆史密斯是一位退休的纽约市警察局官员,但在9/11上午,他作为一名法律讲师在警察学院演讲。 4. When the instructor saw that aviad had put down his pen, she gave him an inquiring look. 教员看到艾维尔德放下笔,就用征询的目光看着他。 5. In 2002, he joined netjets as a pilot, later becoming an instructor and captain. 2002年,他成为netjets的飞行员,后升为教员和机长。 |